
Broken Tooth

I’m officially an old man.

No, I’m not talking about Sierra’s old man, I’m talking about a man of age and wisdom!

I was eating crackers while walking around on break yesterday and I felt a cracker stuck in between my teeth.  Like every other human being on the planet, I used my tongue to try and get it out.  It just wasn’t budging.

It wasn’t until five minutes later that I realized that a cracker wasn’t stuck between my teeth….part of my back molar had chipped off and left a jagged edge!

What the heck?!  What is going on here?

Luckily there was no pain and it didn’t get any worse throughout the day.  The dentist tells me these things happen sometime.  Is this true?  Do people have pieces of their teeth just chip off when eating crackers?  I need some feedback on this one!

As it stands, I got it polished up so it doesn’t slice my tongue and I’ll get it filled in next week.

Welcome to old age my young friend.  It’s been a good ride until now.  Your body is essentially like an eight year old Mazda3…rusting from the inside!