
12 Days of Christmas: Day 11

Mom graciously sent some survey answers our way so we can round out the 12 Days of Christmas! Special thanks to Aunt Lois who reminded me that Mom did send something in as I had not put it in my Christmas Survey folder and had forgotten! She also didn’t send along a photo of herself and she explained it with this message: “As you know, I Don’t have a scanner so I can’t send any pictures from long ago, also, you may not have realized, but I never seem to spend Christmas with you guys, since there are no photos of me.” If this isn’t a hint at what she wants for Christmas, I don’t know what is! She sent along a favourite photo of hers where I was impersonating an old man that Nanny would be dancing with in an old-timers home.

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
My favourite things about Christmas are getting together with family & friends and all the

What’s your least favourite thing about Christmas?
Most people who know me will know that I really dislike trying to shop for people who don’t need anything (or go and buy it for themselves just before Christmas). We have long forgotten the important things about the season.

What’s better? The Christmas Story film or National Lampoon’s Christmas
Vacation film? Why?
I really like Christmas Vacation. I don’t really know why.

What’s your favourite drink during the holiday season? Slush

What should Vero get Palmer for Christmas?
The question should be what should Palmer get for VĂ©ro?