
12 Days of Christmas: Day 3

My sister Maureen was gracious enough to fill out the Christmas survey for Palmer’s World.

My favourite part is that she sent it twice to me and the answers were interesting as some of them had changed significantly!

Here are both of her responses for your reading pleasure.

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
Hanging out with friends and family that I haven’t seen in awhile.//Being with friends and family

What’s your least favourite thing about Christmas?
You take months to prepare for it and then it’s done in one day.//the preparation and the waiting……and then it’s all over in one day. [Editor’s Note: I have a feeling she’ll be pretty disappointed if she gets married.]

What’s better? The Christmas Story or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? Why? I can’t decide because I like them both.//Why? I can’t decide. They are both equally awesome. Ralphie shooting his eye out with the pellet gun and The Griswald’s car getting stuck under a transport when they go to pick out a tree.

What’s your favourite drink during the holiday season?
Egg Nog//Hot chocolate and Slush.

What should Vero get Palmer for Christmas?
coal, coal and more coal HA!//Nothing, it should be all given to me :p

One reply on “12 Days of Christmas: Day 3”

hahaha that’s funny. I hadn’t seen mine so I figured you didn’t get it that’s why I responded again.

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