
B(ike)log: July 21, 2009 – Afternoon

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The way home was…interesting. I felt like it was a struggle for the most part and the trip took me 75 minutes. Granted, I took a bad route along the river which had me backtrack for a kilometer. In the end, even though I felt like it was a struggle, I made it in approximately the same time.

Mental Notes:
– The King Edward bridge is the one to take, although Laurier is horrible for potholes once you’re on the Quebec side. Perhaps I can find a route along the river?
– The path through Rockcliff is great. But it seems like I can only easily get to it heading home, otherwise I would have to cross the street to get to it coming into work.
– Crossing the Parkway to get to the path IS A PAIN! I waited five minutes for traffic to subside and gave up. I then biked awhile longer until I found an opening and took it.
– Past Aviation Museum, do not keep following the path unless you want a nice leisurely stroll by the river. Actually, come to think about it, perhaps this is the best route to take considering I bike an extra kilometer by accident and all I ended up with is five extra minutes on my time. I shall try out the river pathway again now that I know the cutoff.
– While on the River pathway, take the Ottawa River Pathway exit to go back up, otherwise you end up on an alternate route which just adds a kilometer to your trip.
– Ease into it! The calf muscle was pulsating near the end and it was near impossible to bike any longer.

One reply on “B(ike)log: July 21, 2009 – Afternoon”

Hey, when you want to cross the parkway at the bridge, there is a small clover leaf type ramp for bikes to go under the bridge. I’ve never had to use it yet, but if you have heavy traffic have a look…,-75.572167&spn=0.001723,0.004823&t=h&z=18

since there is construction, the traffic is only one way, you can find a time to cross before and travel on the road in the opposite direction for a short while without any problems (although I did see a big dump truck traveling that way.)

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