
20 Years of “The Next Generation”

1987 – the year Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered.

Whoa, I was just reading an interview with Patrick Stewart since it’s the 20th anniversary of TNG. Has it really been that long? It’s like it was yesterday that I come home from working at Wal-Mart on a Saturday night and catch the new Next Generation episode.

Next Generation and Enterprise were the only Star Trek series I ever watched completely. I tried to get into Deep Space Nine but it was pretty boring after the first three seasons so I gave up (only to find out it got amazing within the last seasons) and Kapuskasing never got Voyager aired. I stuck through with Enterprise but I must admit the season where all they did was hunt down the Xindhi was pretty darn boring after awhile. But I stuck through with it. Actually, the last time I went to see Joe, I caught up on some of the episodes I had missed as I never got around to downloading the series finale. It was decent.

Anyhow, here’s a great interview with Patrick Stewart on how he became captain and how he enjoyed it.

Make it so.