
Music Update

I always come across updates across the board regarding music so I figure I should share them with you.

Nirvana: Best of the Box: Well well well…another case of taking advantage of the fans. Last year, the most excellent box set ‘With The Lights Out’ came out from Nirvana. Well, this Christmas, Geffen wishes to get some more cash for their pockets so they release a greatest hits of the box set along with three unreleased tracks. You guys know me…I don’t like stealing from the artist (aka downloading) but in these times, I figure that if I paid $80 for their box set, I should be allowed to download their three new tracks for free.

Aerosmith/Lenny Kravitz On Tour: Holy crap. Aerosmith and Lenny Kravitz are coming to Ottawa. Tickets on sale tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Must think about this…I should save the money to fork out for U2 tickets. Trish’s sister is supposed to hook us up, but that depends on whether or not her other sisters come from Quebec City and Idaho. Chances are slim, but should I bank on them? Or should I save the money to put towards the $300 for U2 tix? Hmm…on the other hand, I hear Aerosmith does put on a great show. May be more of a greatest hits/b-sides concert since I don’t know of an album coming out in the near future. You can’t go wrong with Lenny either. Well…except for anything past the year 2000. Lenny…what happened?


The Source of Pain

After two trips out to The Source by Circuit City (rant: That is a stupid, stupid name. I still call it Radio Shack, and always will. It’s like how The Beer Store was called Brewer’s Retail.), I finally managed to hook up my stereo in all its glory. There are WAY too many things to factor in with these new fangled gadgets. I was amazed at how I think I’m pretty good in the technical field but I had to refer to the manual most of the way throughout the installation.

Anyhow, my rant on The Source by Circuit City. I had Eric drop by to get me some speaker wire the other night since I wasn’t near the store and the gent at the desk showed him some wire that cost $70 for 15 meters. I’m thinking “Man, that’s more expensive that I would have thought.” but Eric said that the gent at the desk said it was the only wire in the store.

The wire was WAY too big to place under the trim around the room, so I decided to return it, but then I found 15 meters of speaker wire for $12! Clearly, these students they have working there just don’t cut it anymore. When I worked at Wal-Mart in the Hardware section, heck I knew that place like the back of my…let’s be honest. I was flying by the seat of my pants. I especially like how I found out that a ‘char’ in French was slang for a car. I believe I found out when someone asked me where the spark plugs for a car were in the department and I mentioned that we had none in the store. I was standing right in front of them. This just goes to show that I should have been working in the Electronics section and not the freaking automotive section.

Lesson Learned: Don’t trust the kid at the desk when he tells you the $70 speaker wire is the only in the store. I especially like how they are giving us a hard time about returning since the package is open. If I have to get them to measure the entire 15 meters, I will.

Anyhow, the stereo is amazing. I’ve heard home theatre systems before but never owned one. I’m digging the fact that I can hear the bullets fall to the floor in the Chateau scene of the Matrix Reloaded.