
Old School

Robyn wrote in and wanted an update on my schooling this fall. I have returned to the higher eduction system (read: University of Ottawa) to take a Bachelors in Communication. This came from thinking of the future and how Government types who are high up (Directors, Prime Minister) have University education and in about ten years time when I’m about ready to enter one of those positions, I would not have the necessary requirements. So I inquired around to what I should take and settled upon a Communications degree.

Let’s be honest…I decided to take Communications because of the quick-in, quick-out structure to the courseload…it only took 3 years to complete and that would be a lot to take in due to me taking it during night courses.

But I must admit that I am thoroughly intrigued with Communications at the moment. It touches upon everything I am interested in…technology and methods of passing messages along. There is so much more to mass communication that I should just post one of my essays up here and talk about it, but I’m happy to say that this is the first time in my education that I am actually excited to go to class. I always thought Computer Engineering was fun, but after starting in the workforce I realized that my passion was not in the field. Now I’m digging up everything I can on the subject of Communications. I can say (with pride) that I go out of my way to read the extra material the teacher assigns us. That’s the beauty of loving the subject matter and having the time to do so.

In a nutshell (for Robyn): Going to University. Two classes a week. One of them is awesome, the other is super boring (Workshop in English essay writing where we learn about comma splices. Joy.). I’ll stick it out with two courses a semester (even during the summer) and hopefully will be done in about 5 years time. I’m in no rush.

iPlayingrightnow: Polyamourous – Breaking Benjamin (Saturate)