
Great Parking Job!

The time…April 12
The place…Paris France
The parking job…how the heck is this guy going to get out?

This is actually how people park in Paris. Philipp was telling me how bumpers are really used in Paris. They need to be if you think you’re going to get out of your parking spot!


Beam Me Up

I started going through some old stuff of mine last night along with Vero. Mom and Dad said that some of it was quite funny.

Well, the side-splitting moment came when we looked at my report card from Kindergarten and it stated that I had trouble with the balance beam and walking backwards.

Walking backwards? I never knew that this was part of the curriculum. What would happen if I ended up failing this portion of the class? Imagine if they tested you on how you skated! Good Lord, I would still be in Kindergarten to this day.

Hey, maybe this whole walking backwards thing has to do with my lack of athletic ability…

We had a great laugh at this comment and we decided to save the other Grades for later. We had our fill for one night.

In other news, am writing that exam in a few hours for the PM-03 Permanent position. Let’s see how that goes. I heard they have set us up with computers this time around which is great. Who writes by hand anymore?

whatwasIlisteningtothismorninginthecar: New Nickelback album. Pick this album up. It’s solid. Better than the past two albums and I really enjoyed the last one.