
Adios Wireless

Say goodbye to my little friend. Last month’s cell phone bill – $90. What the heck? Better watch my minutes. This month’s cell phone bill – $118. Time to ditch this thing. Sure, the cell phone is convenient, but so is having a little cash in your pocket going jing-a-ling-a-awwww yeah got enough to buy a new CD.

I supose I’ll keep the cell phone in hopes that I can use a pay as you go. Probably the smarter move, but will it cost more in the end? I suppose if I only use my cell phone in DIRE EMERGENCIES (aka, running late getting to the girlfriend’s) I can swing it, but can a man with a cell phone for 2 years deal with going backwards in technology? Yikes!

Kudos to Melissa and Mike for hosting a wicked Thanksgiving potluck yesterday. I’m turkeyed out. Seriously. I wanted to eat more and more and more, but the stomach had to call it quits. Dang. There’s always Christmas.

whathaveibeenwatchinglately: Lost! Lost is getting very cool. Alias…not so much. Alias has gone from my fave tv show to “Man, I have to waste my time with this because I’ve put some time and effort into watching the show this far.” In its defense, I felt this way both at the beginning of Season 3 & 4 and was pleasantly surprised at the end of the season.