
Davey Jone’s Locker

Veronique needed a book today for her class and we had to resort to the public library. I can’t say I have been there much in my life, but I’ve realized what a magical place it is.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not going to be some library geek spending countless hours there. But they have EVERYTHING there.

You want CDs? Done. Free CDs. To borrow. To burn. To steal.
You want DVDs? Done. I even saw the third season of Trailer Park Boys there. At the LIBRARY! Come on!
Did I mention all the books and magazines?

Anyhow, the rules are as follows:
You can take 10 CDs, 10 DVDs, 10 Audiobooks and as many books as you can carry out at a time.

The RIAA is looking for the suppliers of music downloads? Feast your eyes on a municipally funded establishment.

Amazing. Right under my nose all this time. Let’s just say that instead of going to Blockbuster to find the hot new release, I’m going to walk down to the library and check out a no-so-new release. There’s tons of movies that I haven’t seen.


Adios iPod

I am selling my iPod with 1 1/2 years left on the warranty. I can transfer the warranty into your name. Warranty is pretty good. Full iPod replacement if they find something wrong with it…also a battery replacement if it doesn’t hold its charge anymore.

It is:

  • iPod Photo
  • 60 GB (to give you an idea, I put my collection of 200 CDs on it and it still had 20GB left)
  • No engraving on the back

Make me an offer.