I have one more written exam this afternoon for a PM-04 competition. Hopefully I fly through this one. You know when you get to that point where you pretty well think you know all the material, but you just don’t really know? Then you start doubting yourself?
That’s the point I’m at. I sitting here looking at my notes and thinking “Yep, I know this.” I even write out everything in my memory and double check it. Even though I know 100% of what I’m studying, it still may be the wrong things to study.
Handed in my first essay to the University of Ottawa yesterday. You may see me drop out if I end up failing the first essay. If I can’t pass the first essay, there’s no way the rest will get better!
Good vibes go out to Vero this weekend as she sadly found out that the 15 page essay that she thought had to be double spaced actually has to be single spaced. Ouch. That’s doubles her workload out of left field.