


This Goes out to the Eye of the Tiger Himself – Paul Duffy

Picture Yourself…leaving work. Walking down the escalator. Your music in your ears. Then you see some people start to run. You know what it means. There’s a bus about to leave!

I squint my eyes to see what number bus is leaving. Yep, it’s the 27. The one I want after a hard day of work. I take a couple steps down the escalator but then realize it is futile.

But something stirs in me. It’s the music. What’s the ONE SONG in the universe that can move a man to do more than he thinks he can?

Eye of the Tiger. Coming from my iPod magically.

I start to sprint. I run. I dodge people left and right with my goal in sight. Then the guitars come into the song.


I make it to the bus. I DID IT!

I laugh at myself at the absurdity of it all, but in my mind I can only envision one person.

Paul Duffy doing pushups every time he hears this song. Whether it’s at a wedding, a dance, a funeral. He will do the pushups.

I never had respect for Paul Duffy. Until now.


Need a Pen?

Me: Hello?
Them: Hi, is Mrs. X there? (Mrs. X is the person who sat here before I moved two weeks ago.)
Me: No, she moved offices. I can give you her new number if you would like.
Them: Yeah, sure. Do you have her new number?
Me: Yes I do. Are you ready for it?
Them: Yes.
Me: 555-
Them: Wait, hold on, I need a pen.

Why is it that when people say they are ready to absorb a simple 7 digit number, they aren’t really and as soon as you ramble off three numbers they freak out and think “Dang, I gotta get a pen.”

Let’s be honest…I know I’m not smart enough to remember a phone number so I write it down. However, I bet if someone offered me some cash to remember a number, it would be engrained into my memory like Hurley from Lost.

Concert Reviews

Review: Collective Soul at Ottawa U

This picture of Dean Roland goes out to the ladies who were swooning over him on Friday night.

Collective Soul concert…what can I say? I missed out when they were in town this past year because I was in Europe. Very pumped to see them again.

The event was a win-to-get-in-and-rock-your-heart-out event in which Vero scored tickets to. Awwww yeah! You’re the best babe!

Inside the Ottawa U Rec Complex, they had the place set up for free massages, free beer, free candy, free CONCERT! It was wild. Boy opened up for CSoul which was great. They have a few rocking tunes and the singer reminded me of Mick Jagger.

CSoul was amazing. Odd to see Ed Roland have a music stand with lyrics on it. The memory must be slipping on him. All in all, I got to hear all the songs I wanted to hear, along with an emphasis of stuff from Youth. Two devil hands up on this concert.

Songs Played That I Can Remember:

  • Shine (of course)
  • Better Now
  • Precious Declaration
  • Home
  • How Do You Love?
  • Counting The Days
  • Under Heaven’s Skies (currently my fave CSoul song)
  • Heavy
  • Run
  • Compliment
  • Why Pt. 2
  • Gel
  • The World I Know
  • December

Mysterious Fax Machines

Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually in a sitcom involving office antics. An example: Friday, I was off due to the exam so I had asked a co-worker to get a room reservation contract signed and faxed over. Come Monday morning, I get a phone call from the Holiday Inn saying they received one contract signed, but not another one. Strange. Alright, I’ll just go ask my colleague about it. Ooops…she’s sick. So I ask a few people to get to the bottom of it.

In the meantime, I’m working on something else and lo and behold, someone walks by and passes me a contract they found at the fax machine. Hey, it’s the missing contract! Why is it our fax machine and not the one at Holiday Inn?

That’s right, someone here faxed it to a machine which was 10 meters away.

Classic. I’m having a good laugh right now and I’m sure they will too when they get back tomorrow.

update: I’m not allowed to laugh at this anymore. I did the exact same thing yesterday.

what’splayingrightnow: Ladylike – Big Wreck. I found a SLEW of miscellaneous MP3s that I never bothered throwing onto the iPod. With a lot of downtime this weekend, I managed to throw them all onto it. I’m a music machine right now.