Concert Reviews

What Being a Boyfriend *Really* Involves

A weekend recap for those interested in what I actually do with my free time, and not just interested in my random rants du jour.

Friday: Went to Barrymore’s with Mike and Joe to see Comfortably Numb – Canada’s own Pink Floyd cover band. They played The Wall in its entirety, as well as a retrospective of other delights from Dark Side of the Moon, Division Bell, and classic cuts. I was very impressed with them. If you shut your eyes, it was like being in the room with Floyd. I belive I read they are actually endorsed by Floyd as one of the premiere cover bands out there. I figured out that they played for 3 1/2 hours. Insane.

Saturday: Roamed around town with Joe which brought us to Cam Kong eventually (I can see Holly exclaiming “Cam Kong!? Where was I?) and then we ended up at Rob’s place for dinner. We worked on my Hallowe’en costume which worked out fine. For the people whom haven’t heard what I’ll be dressing as, I may as well keep it a secret until next Saturday when we hit up Duncan’s place for the big party.

Went to Melissa’s for Mike’s birthday which was a great time full of jello shooters and good eats. Unfortunately, we had to leave to go to another birthday party. Vero’s friend Chantelle was having people over and then heading out to Patty Boland’s.

What can I say about this party we went to? Vero told me that everyone had to dress up in 80s/90s clothing. Considering all my clothes are still from the 90s, I figured ‘No Problem!’ and wore a nice AC/DC t-shirt. However, Vero had other plans. As you can tell from the picture, I was decked out in a nice Bahamas muscle shirt along with sweat bands and some leggings (not seen in the picture unfortunately). Vero is lucky for the following reasons:

  • I’m a good sport
  • I’m a little crazy
  • I had quite a bit of alcohol in my system at this point

We arrive at Chantelle’s party to find no one else has dressed up, not even the hostess. Ah well, not a big deal. I’m in no mood to go change. The highlight of the night was when they wanted to take a swing at a pinata (sp?) and Chantelle’s brother takes a stick in full swing (we’re talking with all the force in the world) and misses the pinata but clocks Chantelle right in the kisser. Beautiful. In my life, I have never seen an event such as this. She turned out alright and only had a bloody nose.

Went to Patty Boland’s with Vero and we managed to skip the lineup since we were decked out in these great costumes of ours. However, once we got inside, someone passed us the message that the rest of the gang has decided to go back home and watch a movie. We decide to stay and rock out for the rest of the night. The common ‘Happy Hallowe’en’ phrase was used when people commented on our outfits in which they responded “Hallowe’en is next week” in which I would reply “Good one buddy. Do you really think we would be dressed like this if it wasn’t Hallowe’en?”.

Quite the crazy night. I highly recommend everyone dresses up for Hallowe’en on a random day and see what people say.