
DTS Ahoy

Last night, Eric dropped by to watch the uncut version of American Psycho. I love the satire in this movie and I think Eric enjoyed it also. The ending gets a little wonky but whatever. Christian Bale is the man.

Anyhow, I was commenting on how the stereo seemed all wonky (as in the vocals were coming through the rear channels) and so we toyed around with the entire setup for a good 45 minutes.

The ultimate test was when I popped in All That Could Have Been – NIN Live. But the DTS didn’t work at all! That took awhile to figure out but as soon as it was discovered we sat there in bliss at the sound. I really can say that I feel that I’m at the concert while watching this thing. Amazing.

I am now pumped to see NIN with Matt in a few weekends. Hopefully we can exchange our tickets to get floor seats.

Thanks to Eric for making my audio experience life changing.



Now when I say it was the best party ever, I am excluding the Trilogy of New Year’s Parties I used to have. Those were the best parties.

But in second place, Duncan’s WICKED Hallowe’en party this past Saturday.

What can I say? I think my costume was a BIG hit. I felt like the Paparazzi was upon me when entering the event. I felt like Santa Claus (pose for a picture!).

Speaking of pictures, I’ve reached my monthly upload limit of 2GB on so I won’t have access until tomorrow. So I’ll put up the Hallowe’en photos then. There were AMAZING costumes all around (except for that dude in a pink towel. What was up with that?)

Speaking of pictures, I’ve come to realize that there are a billion digicams out there being used, but not an easy way of sharing them. Granted, there’s the great software package Picasa (coupled with Hello) by Google, but it only works if you are online with someone chatting. I’d like to put up all the pics from Saturday night on flickr so if you can somehow get them to me, that would be swell. So far, I have Vero and Joe’s pics to put up. From my last count, I think Matt, Larisa and Mel had a digicam going on.

What can I say about Hallowe’en? I thought my costume went over well and it wasn’t cumbersome. It was surreal to be looking out of two little holes all night long though. I felt that my brain didn’t realize there was a giant party going on…I just remember talking to individuals. Even if I was talking to Carrie and there were people around, I could only remember Carrie because I could only see her.

Highlights of the night:

  • Christina losing her fellow friends in a cab. I believe they found the place 30 minutes later
  • Showing Matt and the Pink Panthress his old room
  • Seeing Vero scared of me all night because of the crazy face I had on
  • Watching Bruce Campbell slay some Deadites
  • Holly
  • Dickus Maximum (call him Richard) calling upon the power of Zeus
  • Captain Campus Card (until I found out he had that costume from work!)
  • Taking a shot with a straw
  • The dude at Tim Horton’s giving me the devil sign

Duncan, mad props goes to you for that wicked party! Did anyone happen to find the following items at the party:

  • A shower cap (with a T-Shirt inside)
  • A wallet full of $100s. That’s definitely mine.

I also have a pink feather boa if anyone wants to claim it.