
Review: MCR and Matt Mays

Saturday morning, haul my ass out of bed and get going to Toronto for the weekend.

Picked up a few albums on the way there however to tide myself over on a music fix.

My Chemical Romance: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge – As you know, I downloaded this a few weeks ago as per Mike’s suggestion and felt it was worthy of a purchase. If you know me, you’ll know I’m not into downloading from an artist. Hey, let’s be honest, I’ve done it without purchasing. But I try not to. I like the system of how I can listen to an album and decide if it’s worthy of my cash.

Matt Mays & El Torpedo – What can I say about these guys? Saw them open for Sam Roberts last year and they rocked. Bought his album that night and frankly, it blew. It wasn’t bad persay, but it was more of country-rock like Neil Young and not the rocking show that I saw that night. So when their new album came out, I was hesistant. But then I kept hearing some great singles. Then I realized that his cohorts in crime (El Torpedo) came on board AFTER his first album which he recorded on his own. Great! This must mean that the second album will have some more rock than country. Upon first listen…meh. I’ll have to give it another try as it was more background music to a car trip than a real listen. But…I noted a lack of rock throughout the entire album.

Car ride to Toronto was great. Vero turns out to be a good traveller…you never know if someone might up being super annoying and trying to change the music all the time.

Dropped into the aunt’s place where I had a nice surprise of seeing Rick and Dwayne since it was Rick’s birthday. Unfortunate that I did not know that beforehand or I would have passed on Medieval Times. They are trying to convince me to come down next weekend for a little gettogether (read: party till I bleed) but we’ll see. Two essays are calling my name, but I’m making an honest effort to get them done so that I can go down to Toronto again. I wasn’t originally going to, but the itch is within me after seeing them for a short time.

And off we went to Medieval Times…alas, it’s getting late. I’ll write more tomorrow.


Here’s to you b’y

Friday night…Jody’s going away party. Good times had with a colleague who came from the Rock and is now returning.

The party was hosted by the lovely folks of Pansy Avenue and we were treated to smoke salmon (mmmboy), desserts, chili, and copious amounts of wine.

I must say that Maren’s parties are high up there on lists of events. They are not to be missed. I was disappointed that no one wanted to partake in the limbo once again, but at least we brought out the darts (to the fear of everyone around us).

Thanks Maren & co. for the wild times! I’m sure a few pictures will appear on the gallery soon enough.

Also picked up an album from AP by Steve Cuch. He’s from Sudbury and there’s a song about AP’s sister on the album…so far, not a bad album. Low key, acoustic stuff. This may be the way that Mike and I wish to go with our first attempt at recording. Just simple stuff really.

iplaying: 3Am by Matchbox Twenty