
You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away

What can I say today on the anniversary of John Lennon’s death? Not a whole lot. I will admit that I’ve just started to engross myself in the ways of the Beatles in the past year so am only now seeing the tremendous impact that it must have had on people when he was killed.

What can I say about about John Lennon? I can say that he writes some pretty kickass tunes. I can say that what I know about him, he pushed the envelope of peace. What could he have accomplished in the past 25 years? Probably a LOT. More than you and I could do. Celebrities seem to have more power than us…

I hope that I continue my journey in listening to the Beatles and the works of John Lennon to truly appreciate what he has given us. Happiness is not a warm gun…

iplaying: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away – The Beatles


Live Live

Alllright! Going to see Live and Nickelback on February 18, 2006. Thank you presale!

Who am I more anxious for? Man…Live puts on a wicked show…but so does Nickelback.

Plus, if the theory of Live pans out, the next album will be amazing. I have this theory where each alternating album sucks. So they in line for a comeback.