
Procrastinate This.

I don’t know about you guys, but I am the king of procrastination when it comes to studying for an exam. I feel guilty when I tell people that I can’t go out and do anything since I’m studying because I feel that I don’t really get much done. However, it’s worked for me in the past…oh…15 years of my life so I guess I am doing the right thing.

Let me tell you of my productive day due to studying for an exam at 7 that night. Let’s start on Friday night.

  • Have some dinner. Start reading some course notes.
  • Watch an episode of Smallville. By the way, Smallville rules. I was watching the Superman movies just to start me off in the Supescape, but now I’m a full fledged member. I’ll be honest, I’m a sucker for those high school drama type shows. Hello Dawson’s Creek!
  • Checked out some more notes. Realized I’m a little sleepy. Will only take a 15 minute nap on my oh-so comfortable couch.
  • Wake up to Joe and Lucas calling. Realize I should study some more. That works for another 20 minutes. Watch another episode of Smallville.
  • Decide to go to bed since a good early morning start should prepare me.
  • Read Dune: The Battle of Corrin for an hour.
  • Go.To.Sleep.(Again)
  • Get up, eat an apple. Go on the computer.
  • Decide to sit down and study some more.
  • Pop in some Zeppelin in the new stereo and play around with the different sound settings.
  • Call Eric to ask him about some of the different settings and how Pro Logic disseminates the sound from a CD into the rear channels.
  • Go to Amanda’s to drop off paint supplies. Go to Eric’s to drop off a vaccuum.
  • Get home, eat some lasagna, watch a bit of Smallville.
  • Study for another half hour. Periodically go to check if I should upload some more pictures to Flickr.
  • Study some more. Studying involves me looking at key messages and checking out the practice tests online.
  • Realize that the Christmas party is coming up soon so think about some good tunes that we may play.
  • Haul out the guitar and play some good tunes that flow together.
  • Realize it’s time to make a freakin’ setlist after all these years that will work well in a crowd
  • 1 1/2 hours later, I’m done choosing the songs for the setlist, but maybe I should think about the order.
  • Realize I should really get back to studying. Sit back down to the stereo and study for a 1/2 hour.
  • Eat some supper.
  • Go to Vero’s and then go to my exam. I love this girl. She’s great.
  • I am pretty sure I passed the exam. Don’t know if I got over 80% but I think I did pretty good. One more exam to go on the 19th. It’s an essay writing class so no real studying to prepare.
  • Came home, bought some frames at Wal-Mart (may I point out that during the Holiday rush, the hours to go to Wal-Mart are after 9:00 since they are open until 11:00. There was no one there).
  • Hung up some more concert reviews.
  • Watched another episode of Smallville.
  • Am killing time until Flickr is done another upload.

There you have it. A day in the life of Palmer when he is studying for an exam. Pretty productive if you ask me. If it were just a normal day, it would have consisted of the following:

  • Wake up.
  • Watch Smallville.
  • Go to bed.

iplaying: Mina Loy (M.O.H.) – Billy Corgan – The Future Embrace