
Ho Ho Ho

So…let’s talk about Christmas parties.

My office Christmas party usually is during the day, involves a lunch, some games here and there, and some door prizes.

I read an article (here)the other day talking about how parties have swayed from drunken debauchery where you kiss at least three colleagues and then look ashamed the next day at work to the politically correct office parties.

I must admit that the old Christmas parties seem like a lot more fun. I went to a wedding back in the summer and met quite a few people from work whom I don’t see outside of this environment…and it was fun! I saw the husbands they talk about, saw them pound back a few drinks and get on the dance floor. That’s what it’s all about people…party down.

In a jumpback to the old days, a few of us at work have decided to have our own party at Baton Rouge on Thursday night.


Linko’Day: Red Flag Deals

Wow. That graphic didn’t really come out big at all.

Anyhow, I’m tired of the Internet being 99% non-Canadian so I’d like to share a great Canadian site with you. tallies all the great deals that are going on across Canada…gift certificates, special in-store offers, you name it, they have it! Heck, even in the forums they go ape over when the new Canadian Tire flyer comes out (as we all do!)

Anyhow, if you are ever thinking of purchasing anything ANYWHERE, check out this site first.