
Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Raaaa

Highlights of the trip so far:

  • Mom saying to me that she is having a harrible day (aka, a horrible hair day)
  • Mom asking “Ryan, do you remember when we were kids?”
  • Sitting by the fire and drinking copious amounts of liquids
  • The Christmas Eve Bash at the Palmers
  • Receiving some sweet, sweet gifts
  • Munching on some Losier beef jerky

Non-Higlights of the trip so far:

  • Awful, AWFUL weather from Deep River to Temagami
  • Going to a semi-lame stag (hey, where’s the mix?) and then waking up to pick up Vero in Hearst while nursing the mother of all headaches
  • Having Mom show Vero the photo albums

What’s up next?

  • Going to the wings and beer night at the Losiers
  • Watching some Smallville Season 2
  • Going to Hearst on the 30th for a few days. Meet the Parents! yikes!