
This Guy Is Crazy!

Vero mentioned that this picture would appear normal if it were not for the uneven fang of a pretzel I am sporting.

My question is, what do you mean I would look normal if they were both the same length? 😉


This Girl is Crazy!

Let me tell you about Vero this co-op term.

In my opinion, she is on the worst co-op term EVER. Why?

She has no Internet.

Ugh. I mean, working in a regular position without the Internet would be deadly, but a co-op position where they are notorious for being really, really boring? Gak.

I feel for her, I really do. That, coupled with the fact that the closest bus still drops her off 20 minutes away from work doesn’t help my thoughts of her going through crazy snow storms only to arrive at work and sit in front of a computer which is essentially useless because of no Internet.

I want those out there that were in the workforce before the Internet to recount some tales of how the heck the day went by.

iplaying: Feel Good – Cafe Del Mar


Review: Fostex MR8-HD

What the heck is an MR8-HD?

A digital multitracker that I just picked up this past weekend.

What’s a digitial multi-tracker?

The path to the future.

In all reality, it’s recording equipment for musicians. So I can plug in the guitar, a mic and whatever else and give’r. It’s pretty slick. Mike, Eric and I played around with it for awhile on Saturday night before the poker game at Shannon’s and were impressed. It’s pretty simple once you read the instructions (duh!). I can see some very fun things happening with this. One thing that will come of this is more ambition into songwriting. I used to write quite a bit, but left it a few years back…perhaps it was because I hated coming up with something and then the next day not really remembering how it went…

In other music news – Do not laugh…but I have heard that Guns N Roses WILL release Chinese Democracy this year. March, in fact.

Chez 106 had a segment on how they enjoyed this constants on January 1st – how you always think you’ll go back to the gym, how you feel bloated after a week of binging, and how the new GNR album will never come out again this year.

iplaying: The Silent Man – Dream Theatre – Awake


Review: Poolhall Junkies

Jason introduced Eric to this movie who then introduced it to me.

Two cues way up for this movie. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Follow the life of a billiard genius who gets stuck in his life hustling the pool tables instead of getting into the big leagues where he’s meant to be.

Highlights: Lex Luthor with hair! Also, Christopher Walken (aka Uncle Mike.) You cannot go wrong with Christopher Walken in a movie (other than James Bond: The Living Daylights).

Rent this movie now!

iplaying: Erotomania – Dream Theatre – Awake


The Morning Show – Episode #6

The first time we try something new on the Show other than talking about moose…

Download here.
Original Airdate: November 21, 2001
(6.1MB MPG File)