
Heck yeah!

Final grades:

Intro to Communications – B
Intro to English Essay Writing – A-

Awww yeah.

Status of Next Two Courses:
Hell of a lot reading to do. YIKES!

I do enjoy professors who have their own books as course material however.


Don’t Spare Some Change

Read my post here:

Then come and read the rest.

I was waiting at the bus stop a few weeks ago and lo and behold, I see the exact same guy asking for money. I really didn’t realize it until he started crossing the street and I looked up from my book.

Unbelievable. I cannot begin to fathom the absurdity of this guy playing up the same ‘I need money for the shelter and I’m from Toronto’ routine.

This person is the sole reason that I am now not going to give to people on the street. When I feel generous, I’ll go give to an organization. Sure, some may bring up the fact that with an organization you still don’t know where the money is going, but heck, I would rather give to them rather than a crook playing the poor saps waiting for a bus.



The Morning Show – Episode #8

Yes! One of my all-time favourite episodes here.

A little background so you see the hilarity in it. We had random people come onto the show before it started and read lines off a sheet of paper. They did not know what context they were in. So when Bob and Jethro assembled the show they saw what their lines were actually used for.

Classic episode here.

Download here.
Original Airdate: November 23, 2001
(12.2MB MPG File)