
Recipe For Good Times at Work

If you have a report to read at work.

And you’re feeling glum, follow the…following instructions.

If you have an iPod in your posession:
1. Insert earbuds.
2. Click Music.
3. Click Genre
4. Click Soul.
5. Feel the vibe.

Al Green, you are genius.

If you do not have an iPod in your possession:
1. Steal someone’s for awhile.
2. Throw in The Best of Al Green in your CD player.
3. Feel the vibe.

iplaying: Theme from Shaft – Isaac Hayes – Shaft Soundtrack

update: Oh my. Stevie Wonder’s Superstition just came on. Only the coolest Stevie song out there as well as being very convenient on this unlucky Friday the 13th. BTW, my mom was born on Friday the 13th. Supposedly with a tail. I cannot confirm that.


Rant: No Emergency Phones

No one should step in the way of Palmer when he is pissed about getting an emergency phone for the road. They will feel the wrath which is KALIMA! (this is in fact a nod to the day of Inidiana Jones and the Temple of Doom when the guy yells out KALIMA! and then rips a guy’s heart of his chest. I don’t even know if Chuck Norris could hold back his roundhouse kick to achieve such a feat.)

Here I am thinking that in this world of nice, civil society who want to help out each other, that I can switch to an emergency pay as you go plan so I can leave the cell phone in the car and just use it if there’s an emergency (like running late getting to Vero!).

But alas, no, the cell phone companies are big money mongers. As far as I can tell, you CAN get a prepaid card with ‘x’ amount of minutes on it for emergencies…but the card expires after 60 days of purchase! So if I don’t use them, voila, they are gone! And if I don’t use them, voila, I have to buy another freaking card!

What a scam. $25 every sixty days for an emergency phone. One may think, “Hey Palmer, this isn’t a bad deal when you think about it.”

I suppose if you think about what you would pay in an emergency for a phone, then no, $12.50 a month ain’t that big of a deal. But still…are there no TRUE emergency cell phones out there?

I’m calling out to you, my loyal readers to point me to a true emergency phone. That, in the need of an emergency, I don’t really care if it costs me $5 a minute…as long as I don’t have to pay anything until I use it.

This is your mission. Accept it.

iplaying: Crown of Love by The Arcade Fire – Funeral


Review: Day of the Dead

Oh George Romero, how I love thee.

Part Three of the Dead Series, Trish invited us over to catch Day of the Dead.

What can be said about this film (as well as the series)?

As I did last night, I’ll recount the entire series in a manner of moments. Part 1 involves the dead rising from the grave (aka zombies). Part 2 continues on with the story…the dead are taking over the cities and know one knows how it happened. There is very minor mention of scientists believing it had to do with some meteor shower occuring in Part 1 and that the rocks are making the dead rise. So the movie follows a bunch of people holing themselves up in a shopping mall.

Day of the Dead shows a bunch of scientists and army types holed up in a bunker underground. I thoroughly enjoyed this film as it showed more of what the intellectual types were doing about the problem (as opposed to Film 2 where they just followed some civilians to see what they were up to). The scientists are trying to find a way to control the zombies. But at the same time, the dead are walking in more numbers, taking over cities and countrysides. Needless to say, a lot of tension between the humans are in the movie – between the metholodical scientists and the gun-crazy army folks itching to do something other than hole themselves up inside a bunker for the rest of their days.

I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed the gore (best stuff yet!) but the dialogue (as Trish mentioned) was a little lacking. I didn’t mind so much as it showed a side of the humans when they get stressed out (aka incoherent ramblings along with every swear word known to man).

Two thumbs up for this movie. I am anxiously awaiting to see the final chapter Land of the Dead which has the dead taking over all Earth.