
Review: Underworld – Evolution

Ah, the return of Kate Bekinsale as the (meow) Selene.

Caught the sequel to Underworld at Silvercity on Saturday amidst a giant snowstorm. I especially like how Carol asked me if it snowed in Ottawa and I looked out the window and said no. This was, of course, totally wrong as I was looking into my backyard which has been full of snow for months.

Also, I was asked how old I was at the counter to the movie theatre. This has never happened to me. It was odd to think that this guy thinks I am under 18.

Actually, before I really start this review, let me talk a little more about the trip to the theatre. So, as you all know, Ottawa (and pretty well all of Ontario) was pelted with snow. I get to an intersection and notice across the street that there are two ladies with their car stuck in the ditch. Better sense prevails and I drive over to help them. Upon showing up:

Ladies: Oh thank you for coming over to help.
Me: No problem, let’s try and rock it back and forth.
Ladies: Do you think some cardboard under the tires will help?
Me (with this incredulous “God no, the cardboard won’t work, what are you thinking? You’re stuck in the snowbank!” look on my face): Well, I don’t know, you could give it a try.
Ladies: Alright, here you go!
(She passes me a piece of cardboard the size of my palm).
Me: Uh, thanks. (Shoves it under the tire, which is totally useless other than the fact that it’ll probably just impale me in the side of the head when she starts spinning).

Anyhow, I’m making headway and I was thankful that another gentleman stopped and helped me push the car out of the snowbank.

Thank you’s are passed around and I get back into my car and sit there plugging in my cellphone when I look into my rearview mirror and notice the guy is back again pushing the car out of the snowbank.

That’s right…they drove right back into the ruts they created into the snowbank.

Drivers of the world, heed my advice! Avoid the same freakin’ spot you just got stuck in.

Onto the movie…

So, the movie picks up literally right after the first one…if anything, a few hours later, nothing more. Selene and Michael are on the run and then Marcus shows up to kick some ass.

All in all, I liked the movie. Definitely not a rental. However, I must say that I would have preferred some clans of vampires vs. werewolves instead of the movie focussing on singular characters such as Selene, Michael, Marcus etc. That’s my only gripe. Very tiny gripe.


The Morning Show – Episode #14

Bob and Jethro go Japanese.

Download here.
Original Airdate: December 4, 2001
(11.2MB MPG File)