
Mod Chip or Bust

Check this people…today we’re going to go into a little technology lesson Palmer style with the introduction to (insert those mighty sounding trumpets right about…NOW!)

Mod Chips.

Whoa whoa whoa buddy…don’t we have Wikipedia for all this stuff?

This is true. For the real scoop on things and not just the way things are observed by yours truly, log onto for the real deal.

Anyhow, let’s give you a little background on some forces that played into my ordering a mod chip.

  • My DVD player is ancient and so if I watched a burned DVD (such as a kickass Smashing Pumpkins concert), it’s all choppy.
  • I have media galore – music, vids, you name it.
  • Mike has media galore also.
  • Video games are cool.
  • NINTENDO video games are cooler.
  • I had to sell all my old Nintendo games when I was kid to purchase the Super NES. My parents didn’t understand the concept of owning TWO video game systems at the same time. Oh my, if they only saw Benoit’s place.

To solve all these problems, I looked at my XBox which is sitting there and decided not to sell it, but to overhaul it with semi-legal (what?) mod chips. Pop one of these puppies into your XBox and you can do whatever you want with your XBox. For example:

  • I can use it as a DVD player and it will surely be better than my existing one. No more choppy video.
  • It can act as a storage for all my digital media…if I want to check out my pictures on my digital camera, voila, it’s there. How about my music? Voila, it’s there also.
  • I can have emulators (basically, programs that emulate the functions of an actual gaming system such as the NES) which can play all the games I ever wanted.

Voila! Presto! I’m done. I think it will be cool.