I stumbled upon a great feature on the iPod. Hold down on the MENU button and it will toggle the backlight.
Fascinating. I’ve needed this many times in the darkness of the car at night.
I stumbled upon a great feature on the iPod. Hold down on the MENU button and it will toggle the backlight.
Fascinating. I’ve needed this many times in the darkness of the car at night.
This morning I went to plug in the iron and knocked the ironing boardwhile bending over.
My spidey sense alerted me to danger and I swung my head out of the way as the hot iron which my roomate just used grazed my ear! I could feel the intense heat as it whizzed by!
Whew, that was close. If I didn’t move out of the way, the thing would have rolled down my back for sure!
Ever since C. Soul have created their own label, they are pumping out some great stuff other than their great albums.
Here we have their new live concert DVD – Home. Home has C.Soul playing along with the Atlanta Youth Orchestra for a bunch of tunes.
Mike and I popped this in last night and it started off…weak. We don’t know what to think of the new guitarist. AND, it turns out that they have a new drummer also who really got on my nerves because of the way he held his drumsticks. Then Ed Roland seemed full of himself while prancing around. It didn’t seem natural…it was like an act.
So…all whining aside, after awhile the show grew on the both of us. We realized like any rock show, sometimes it needs some time to gel. We became amazed at some of the songs with the orchestra attached as the fifth instrument of the band…very slick stuff. I was getting chills!
By the end of it, I gave the DVD two thumbs up. Very good show and I’m glad that C.Soul actually has some form of live album out now that I can listen to on the iPod.
As you all I know, I recently purchased a mod chip for my XBox.
After a slew of tests and other things taking me away from my priorities, I sat down yesterday to start the process of tearing apart my XBox and modifying it.
I’m thinking this w0uld take 2-3 hours of my time. I take the motherboard out and follow the instructions very carefully as I am soldering components onto the board and don’t want to screw up.
After a few hours, Mike and I ready to test the guy out. The verdict?
Don’t know what’s wrong?! Dang. Could it be a solder point?
After numerous troubleshooting sessions (read: I felt like I was back in school when I fried 7 Altera programmable logic chips) I resorted to the Internet to find the problem. Turns out that the instructions that some gracious gent wrote up forgot a key point to solder onto the motherboard. I apply the solder, plug her in and voila! IT’S ALIVE!
This was around 6:30. Essentially, my entire day was spent troubleshooting this thing. Sigh.
Anyhow, I’ve hit another minor snag where it won’t allow me update the bios with Evolution-X but at that point, I tried a few things, didn’t work and gave up for the night. I figure a fresh start (and perhaps some comments in the comments section from others who know what to do) may help me out.
Friday night brought Danny and Carol into town for Winterlude. A few pints were drank and the night became a random shaker with a SLEW of people showing up for some impromptu jam session/karaoke, as well as some fun impromptu games (listen people, I don’t own any board games, get over it). We may have recorded such sessions where the highlight was definitely Danny’s harmonica solo!
On Saturday, we ventured out to tour the town…visited one of the Losier’s relatives, then parked downtown and walked around to see the ice sculptures and the canal. Lo and behold, at the ice sculpture park I found Uncle Greg and Aunt Mariette from Peterborough! Very cool to see them as I have not seen them in quite some time. It never fails that I shall see someone I know down at Winterlude.
The night came and we prepped ourselves (aka dragged our asses) around the house until we left for the ever-faithful Heart & Crown. Quite a few people came out for this event and they were not disappointed! Highlights of the H&C night are:
And the award for drunkest person alive goes to: Holly.
The next morning Danny and Carol were off but hit a snag when they realized a can of pop exploded in the van the night before. Bummer.
As for me…what did I do on Sunday? Onto the next blog entry…