Well, what can I say? The return to school sometimes dominates my life.
I have an essay to write (which I’ve slacked off all week on…actually, I shouldn’t say that…I only have 300 words left. That’s a ten minute job.), and an exam to study for ALL freakin’ weekend.
Do I regret my choice to return to school? Nah. It gives me more purpose! I feel that as living beings, we should be constantly learning and pushing ourselves…I was becoming a lethargic being who just existed and never bettered myself.
I will say this – going to school takes away from other things in life…I can’t seem to find a good time to go swimming anymore, hence my physical activity is at an all-time low (other than the times where I insult Vero on what she’s wearing and she chases me!) and of course, I don’t even have the time to help my friend Alex with some framing work in his house! That really bothers me considering I’ve always offered my aid and the ONE TIME he comes for it, I’m unavailable. Boo on me. Boo on school. He’s a good guy, he understands.
I predict that my weekend will consist of the following agenda:
– stocking up on sandwich meats so I don’t have to cook something major while studying. I am a sandwich freak. Hoagies-r-us. Or as Claude’s uncle will say “Hoagies-russ!”
– studying.
I am an awful studyier. I go hard for 20 minutes, take a break for 1/2 hour. I’ve realized that this is the way I do it. I can’t say it’s a bad thing since I’ve never failed (except for that Electronics I test in ’99. Curse you!)
So…I hope everyone has a good weekend. I heard there are waffles going on at Duncan’s place on Sunday morning. Go raid his palace of waffles.