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The next big thing compared to Google?

Perhaps…it is pretty slick for a search engine. I especially how it directly links up to sites such as Wikipedia. Give it a whirl.


Happy Birthday Nintendo!

I stumbled upon this great, great article on Gamespot about Nintendo being around for the past 20 years.

It goes on to list the great accessories, the top games and the most CHALLENGING games there ever was.

Here’s the article:

Let me tell you, they are right on the money when it comes to the hardest games. Ninja “what the heck? You are SO impossible to beat!!!” Gaiden and Battletoads.

I was talking to Eric about this topic last night…I finished all my Nintendo games. I figured if I was shelling out 90 bucks on a game when I was a kid, I was going to finish them. What other use were they to me?

Battletoads…AWESOME, AWESOME game…but the third level begins and you descend into madness trying to beat the speeder bike level. I now see the brilliance of this move in that they put the hardest level up front so you are enticed to beat it to see the rest of the game. I remember Marc and I spending countless hours trying to beat this game. In the end, we always let one of us die before that level so that one person could go ahead and beat it. It was the only sane way to do it.

Ninja Gaiden…oh Ninja Gaiden…who much I hated you. I had to cheat with this one and use the Game Genie to beat the game. It was brutal. Even with the Game Genie there was this part where I had to flip to one wall and below me was a pit…Game Genie doesn’t save you from pits! Anyhow, I remember vaguely beating this level due to a quirk in the game where you can appear at the top of the screen past the pit…it was a cheat of sorts. Boo! You shouldn’t have to cheat to beat a game.

This article brought back SOOOO many good memories. Also memories of how I just stayed inside and played video games when I was a kid.