
The Summer Road

This summer I don’t anticipate any major trips. There may be one out to Calgary to see Kevin during the Stampede. That would be wild.

But…other than that, nothing much. No real big trips planned. I think I may keep all my holidays locked away in a nice place called ‘Save ’em for Eurotrip 2007!’

But what’s a boy to do when stuck in the province for the summer? Well well well…the Sam Roberts Band is on tour. What better way to ring in the summer with a road trip (maximum 400 km drive) to anywhere they play? Hell yeah!

That’s going to be my goal this summer. Lucas and I had this thought of trying to hit up a town festival every Friday and Saturday during the summer. We think it’s possible to find some kind of festival going on each and every weekend in Ontario. You know the ones I’m talking about…BeefFest, Carp Fair, Lumberjack…every town has one, you just have to find it!

Most of you are laughing at me right now because there’s still freakin’ snow on the ground everywhere and I’m thinking about summer.

Guess what – summer is in the air my friends. I can SMELL it. Patios will be open soon enough and times will be good once again.

Embrace it.


Swim the White Sea

I was gung ho to start swimming again today (after a hiatus of…oh…8 months?). I even bought myself a new gym bag so it can carry my school books and my big towel.

Speaking about gym bags – $60 at Sports Experts, $9 at The Bay.

Come on…what does the Sports Experts bag do differently? Sure it may be configured differently and the pockets may have some super duper sealant so your dirty socks don’t stink outside of the bag…but please. I am insulted by the mere notion that anyone would spend that much on a gym bag. It’s a BAG.

Anyhow, I get home last night after class, start packing up the new gym bag, but I hit the stumbling block.

Does anyone know where my swimming trunks went? That would be swell if you could let me know. Thanks!


Crazy Dream

I had this wild dream right before I woke this morning where Philipp, Carrie and other friends were on some sort of bus/train in Europe and Philipp was sitting a few seats up in front of me with Carrie. In front of Philipp were some Mexicans who randomly pull out a high powered rifle and then shoot some guy eating at a bistro. Then we’re all quiet because we don’t want them to see us and shoot us (let’s get real here…we’re on a bus!) but Philipp comes back to me when everyone is about to get off the bus and says “This is why I don’t like the world anymore.” and then we walk quietly away but then they see us and start slowly walking towards us. That’s when I woke up all crazy.

Holy moly, dreams are crazy.