
As Crazy as I Am

I never realized how much I am like my father until yesterday.

Dad has been looking for a truck for…close to a month now. With the Internet, this makes it an almost insane task since you are bombarded with so many choices.

He bit the bullet and picked up one down south in Campbellford. To do this, he hopped on a bus to Cochrane, took the train down to Toronto. Spent the night in Ajax with his sister then they drove him out to Campbellford and he bought the truck, then drove it back to Kapuskasing.

Whoa. That’s quite the trip for a vehicle.

But, I can say that I would do the same thing for something I had my eye on. I enjoy the hunt. The adventure for something. That’s half the fun!

I remember collecting the Matrix action figures a few years back and Benoit, Claude and I were always on the hunt for this super rare ‘Twin 2’ action figure. I ended up finding one via Benoit in a pawn shop but had to buy the entire lot of action figures (which I already owned) but ended up selling them to Benoit who didn’t have them yet. Was it silly? Sure, it’s an action figure! But the hunt for Twin 2 was amazing. I remember Claude telling me awhile after when he realized that he didn’t even really care about the action figures that he enjoyed the search for them more.

Anyhow, I’m glad to see that Dad and I have the same ambition when it comes to the hunt.


How To Reap The Benefits

6 months ago…I am moving into my new pad and Carrie has graciously lent me her BBQ which she won at a stripping establishment (another story for another time).

I decide I better get a BBQ cover.

Hit up Wal-Mart and find one on clearance for $10. Shawing!

Get home and realize that it is size XXXXXXXXLG so that won’t do.

In my laziness, I never return it.

Fast forward, yesterday. Mike has to return something so I have the brilliant idea of returning the BBQ cover. I figure, even if I get $5 for it, it’s money in my pocket. If I can’t return it at all without a receipt, I’ll give it to Shannon and Maureen as a wedding gift.

No receipt, no problem! Just show your piece of identification.

Lo and behold, the RETURN Gods were shining on me and I got a cool $35 back in the form of a gift card at Wal-Mart.

Read that again, I just made $25 profit.

So, now I’m thinking this may be the ultimate loophole in the system – buy goods on clearance and wait six months when they get back in season. I’m talking Christmas, Hallowe’en, Gardening, you name it, they got it.

I’m going to randomly pick up something on clearance and see if it bounces back again. This will be the ultimate test.