
This is What Life Is About

I am currently thinking about patio season. It is supposed to be 15 degrees outside today.

Holy crap. Get out there and have a beer people.

update: Tomorrow, yours truly will be at the Highlander Pub on Rideau Street after work for the end of fiscal year party. Come have a pint!

No excuses. The least you can do is come for ONE beer.

I would expect I will be there around 4 – 4:30ish.


Scoop on Enhanced 911

Today’s guest blog entry comes from my cousin Troy who sent me this note via email concerning 911 and VOIP. Troy is currently 911 dispatcher by day and a musician by night. One day we will tour under the name of ‘Palmer & Palmer’.

Here’s a thought for you to ponder. When you call 911 from a land based line, and some cell phone service providers, your info (address, name, phone number) immediately “spills” into our dispatch centre. You do not have to speak for emergency services to respond. VOIP doesn’t allow this to happen….in fact a wrong address, name and phone number will most likely be “dropped” to the police causing us to go to the wrong location if you are unable to verbally confirm the information The general public is not informed as to the safety factor…they just look at the cost. You would be surprised how frequently we receive a 911 call with no voice contact that results in a life threatening situation.

Just something to think about……you never know what can happen.”

This is a great point brought up by Troy. I was surprised to hear that a high number of calls to 911 don’t have any voice attached to it…I imagined myself in a coherent state while dialing 911…but who KNOWS what can happen to you when you need to call them?

I know that I’ve checked into a few VOIP providers and they DO provide information on how 911 works, but they don’t really come out with a warning flag for you. It’s more like it’s a clause to read in your contract. People should be more aware when dealing with VOIP.

As for myself, I will continue to look into VOIP, but only if they offer Enhanced 911 (aka, when I call from my house, the dispatch will have my name and address).


Is a Baby Worth $1,000,000?

I’m sorry, but no one deserves to adopt a child if they continue to do Dr. Evil impersonations.

iplaying: In the Moonlight – Pearl Jam: Lost Dogs (man, it’s been awhile since I’ve listened to some tunes while blogging)