Month: March 2006
Say It Like It Is
In the news today: Isaac Hayes leaves South Park due to them making fun of religions. Read here.
Well…Matt Stone has an interesting comment about how he never said anything until they made fun of Isaac Hayes religion – Scientology last season.
So there you have it folks.
Why doesn’t Mr. Hayes just say it like it is? “I want to leave the show because you made fun of MY religion.”
No one would poke fun at him for that. Now he just is a little lower in the book of Palmer.
Photo o’ Day: Matt’s Wipeout
Parlez-vous French?
For some reason, the photo upload isn’t working for me this morning so don’t mind the bland entries.
Tomorrow I have my oral french examination. I must say that I haven’t really prepared for it, but at the same time, I didn’t think I would need to. It’s just speaking in French! At first I felt that I should just wing it as it would give me a true sense of what my French speaking abilities are…but Vero brought up a good point as to how people still prepare for a presentation…to know what they are going to say to an answer.
So today, I’ll think about what I’m going to say in response to questions such as:
- What do you do for a living?
- Do you have any pets?
- Describe how Matt is the uber-geek
All this thinking of French makes my mind wander back to Paris. Man, I loved that town! It was fun times over there. I would go back in a heartbeat.
Saul Hudson?
Who here knew that Slash’s real name is Saul Hudson.
Saul is pretty rockin’ name if you ask me. Who needs Slash?
Rrrrroll up the Rim and Chuck It
After all the hoopla which is Roll Up The Rim To Win and the court cases going on, I’ve made it a point to look at empty Tim Horton’s cups (alright, more specifically, send Vero off to the side of the road to check them.)
While walking on Saturday, we came across 5 empty cups in the span of 100 metres. Then I thought “Holy crap, that’s a heck of a lot of garbage just being thrown away.”
I am calling on all litterers out there! Tell me your stories of why you are so unbelievably moronic that you would just go ahead and chuck your trash on the ground instead of holding onto it for a little while until you came across a trashbin.
Litterers, you are what I like to refer to as the scum of the Earth. Literally. You’re like the Tim Horton’s cup that has decomposed in the middle of a field over 5 months. That’s right…just to the point where it’s a sloppy mess and not dried up enough to blow away in the wind.
What’s going through your mind? “Oh, didn’t win, may as well chuck it. I’m sticking it to the man for not letting me win!” Well in this case, the man is the environment, and you sir, are stupid.
Anyhow, back onto my train of thought, I was thinking that I made Vero pick up these cups to check the status of the winnings, but then we just left them there. I should start carrying around a plastic bag in the offchance that I want to send Vero rooting through garbage.
It’s the least I can do for the environment!
Want to see how insane the world was years ago?
Let me put it in a nicer way…want to see how politically correct the world is NOW?
Go see the Weapons of Mass Dissemination exhibit at the Canadian War Museum. In there, you will see myriad posters from across the world which tell people what they should do during war times.
Some of the more crazier ones were the child’s games: Kill the Jap.
Unbelievable stuff really. This gallery of propaganda was interesting in the fact that they showed more violent images than you see in a Faces of Death video. I then thought about how people nowadays are worried that their kids are seeing WAY too much violence around the world, but then I think of them seeing these freakin’ posters up in their community. Yowza. Or, as the French say: “Wha-ta-ta-tow!”
I would like to see the PR people for the Governments create posters and commercials like THESE for the war against terrorism. Not some posters with penguins. (note, if I could find a picture of this, I would.)
Highly recommended exhibit. Go on a Sunday and get in for $5.
Other than that, we started on the adventure which was the rest of the War Museum and quickly gave up. We spent an hour inside the Propaganda exhibit…there’s no way we would be up for absorbing more history for the day. The museum is definitely a multi-trip adventure.
Rant: Good Old Bus Drivers
*disclaimer* In no way do I hate bus drivers usually. I think they provide an excellent public service and that they have timelines to adhere to and can’t stop for every joker who can’t make it to the bus stop on time.
But sometimes you just have to be in the right mood to get pissed off at these guys.
The Scene: End of my class. 9:00 at night. Busses don’t flow that regularly. Especially the 95x out to my car.
The Scene: 95x pulls up to the stop. I see it from down the street. I sprint.
95x pulls away from the stop but 50 metres later there’s a red light. He’s on one side of the intersection, I’m on the other trying to get over to the other side.
The Problem: Can’t really make it across…traffic pretty heavy. I wait it out. I wave to the driver. I’m thinking “This guy is going to be one of the nice one’s. He’ll open up his door and pick me up so I don’t have to wait 1/2 hour for the next 95x. It’s the dead of the night here…no one is out here. He can afford the time. ”
The Action: Light turns green, I start running across the street with the bus pass waving in my hand and my eyes meet with his.
He pulls away. This guy had the look of “Oh well, sorry, nothing I can do.”
Bullshit. There is something you can do. Be a human being and let the poor guy on the bus. It’s the middle of the night, not during rush hour.
Like I said before, I know that bus drivers have schedules to keep and sometimes they can’t be bothered to pick up some straggler who is 50 meters away from the bus stop. But let’s be honest here…I was close enough to touch the bus when I locked eyes with him.
I would like to think I would pick up every straggler along the route just so I can create an ethical relationship (that’s a new term I learned last night) between a stranger and myself.
I think we should have a guest interview of Joe’s brother to hear the inside scoop. I bet he’s one of the good ones, but I bet he also has some days where he can’t be bothered to pick up a straggler.
It would be the equivalent to…the guy in the meeting room who always forgets his agenda and you have to share yours with him. Get your own dang agenda boy!
Memory: Trap-Jaw
I was in class yesterday daydreaming…uhh, I mean taking down some notes and a memory popped into my head.
The memory of my Trap-Jaw He-Man action figure.
Let’s talk about memories for a moment…what the heck causes me to remember something like that? I think that s0mehow our brain is in constant scan mode (like a computer’s hard drive) just to make sure everything is in check and then subconsciously we check on how the scan is going and see what memory it’s analyzing at the time.
I like to document these memories as years from now when I can’t remember anything, at least I can come back and read my blog.
When Dad started working he used to have to go on courses down in Orangeville for awhile…I can’t remember the length of time…I would assume a week’s length.
I remember that one time he brought me back a gift…Trap-Jaw! Awesome! I can’t remember if that was my first He-Man figure, or one of many (oh, I had many! Hey, now I’m even remembering how Dad was building me Snake Mountain on Christmas Day. Snake Mountain was the cool fortress with this micro…scrach that, ECHOphone where you could speak into it and it would sound all ominous), but I remember him bringing it back and thinking he was the coolest. Let’s be honest – the way to a kids heart is buying the kid a gift. I also remember wondering if I would get a gift everytime he went away but for the life of me, I can’t remember if I did. Wait a second…I’m pretty sure I got a fishing rod one time when he came back and was disappointed since I wanted another He-Man action figure.
Ahh…kids. You know, that’s the thing about them. They only appreciate things they really want. The stuff they get that’s a surprise, they don’t see the joy in that. They’re saying “Where the heck is my He-Man action figure?!” Ha ha!
I’m sure one day when I have kids it will open up a new chapter in life with my parents where I’ll be asking them stuff about how to take care of the kid, and should I buy them gifts when I come back home from a trip or am I spoiling them, yada yada yada…being a parent must be insanely crazy. You don’t want the kid to grow up in a bad way, so the only thing you can do is learn from your parents experience. For example, I consider myself a good guy (thank you, thank you. I’m very modest you see) so I’m probably going to look upon what my parents did with me while growing up and apply it to my own children.
Heck, for all I know, they didn’t have a clue on how to raise a kid (what new parent does?) and all I was in an experiment.
Anyhow, I know my parents check out this blog every day now so this post is for you. Thanks for bringing me up (and thanks for that Trap-Jaw action figure Dad!)
Now if only my mom didn’t throw out those Thundercats action figures that have grown to be a hot commodity in this world. 😉