
Purchasing Used Albums = Taking Away From the Artist?

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not really into the whole downloading of music illegally.

Of course, I do it from time to time…I won’t lie. But I will say that I probably download 5% of the music I have obtained in a year and the rest I purchase, to support the artist of course.

But what happens when I stumble upon a used CD store and pick up a few discs? Am I supporting the artist then?

I guess not. They’ve made their cash off of the sale at a major retailer. Someone has already paid their dues to the artist and now I am paying my dues to the used album dealer.

Should I feel bad about this? If I really feel strongly about the artist, but buy used CDs, why don’t I just go ahead and download the albums that I see in the used store? Like a bunch of Beatles albums…I haven’t bought a new one yet. I only scour used CD stores for them…so essentially I’m waiting to get a used album when I can just download it.

At the very least, I can attribute the hunt to it.


Nacho Libre VS. Ricky Bobby

I don’t know who would win…they both look like killer flicks.

Will Ferrell’s new one ->

Jack Black’s new one ->

Pros for Ricky Bobby: It has Will Pharell.

Pros for Nacho Libre: It has Jack Black AND was made by the creator of Napolean Dynamite.