
Can This Boy Take on the Palmer Reunion?

Well, maybe not this super version of him, but I sure can now!

During the weekend, I brought up the point that I was scanning some photos from the last Palmer Reunion in 1988 and wondered why we haven’t had one since.

Mom mentioned that it’s pretty hard to organize…

After a few bottles of wine and moose meat, I declared that I would be up for the task along with anyone else who would join in this band of merry Palmers.

Dad and his cousin triumphantly declared their allegiance to our quest and we began to think of how to go about it.

In the end, I think it may be a lot of work, but worth it. Also, it’s probably a heck of a lot easier than organizing a wedding. Get 100 people into a room and have a party. What can be so hard about that?

Here’s how I see the plan unfolding:

  1. Determine who is interested.
  2. Determine where to have it.
  3. Book the place.
  4. Tell the people.
  5. Be there on specified date to attend family reunion.

Voila! Whoa, that’s quite the project plan!

So I’m sure in the next 1 1/2 years you will hear me talk about it in these cyber walls and I will be asking you for guidance all along the way. But with the power of Greyskull, we will have a Palmer reunion.

Onto Step 1: Who is interested? Must get contact names…


You are My Sunshine Update

Well, I would say that the song is a relative success. We managed to get dad on the accordian for the first time and figured out what buttons he has to push. I believe it will be quite the event once we throw the fiddle and some percussion into the mix next Saturday night.