
Green Thumb

Please take the 10 minutes and read this article on 50 ways you can help the environment (and yourselves!)

I challenge all my faithful readers to do 15 of the things on the list at a minimum. It may be a pain at first, but it will become second nature in time.

Case in point – When I was younger, I used to let the water run while brushing my teeth. Then I heard that that’s a waste of energy. It took some getting used to, but it’s now second nature to me to reach for the tap to turn it off while I brush my teeth.


Random Tidbits with So Much Information That It’s Always Hard to Comment On

  • If you haven’t picked up the new Tool album do so just for the album packaging. I’ve never seen anything like it.
  • Also, pick up the new Pearl Jam album.
  • I read Isaac Asimov’s The End of Eternity. It was amazing. My first foray into Asimov was not a disappointment.
  • I biked down Trim Road towards Navan on Monday. It was fraught full of traffic and smells of manure from the farm. Something tells me I should head towards the Ottawa River next time.
  • Alias is back on TV and it’s getting good. Too bad it always gets good near the end of the season and then is kaput. This time around, it’s really gone as in the series is ending.
  • Mission Impossible III is out…tomorrow? Sometime this week…I will definitely want to go see it for the sole reason that J.J. Abrams (of Alias and Lost fame) is helming this one.
  • I started my new class last night – Theories of Communications. My professor’s name is Doctor Strangelove, and yes, he changed his name to that. I think I will enjoy his class as he seems to have an unorthodox style of teaching in him considering I entered the class and he was playing a music video for Alice Cooper – Poison and then through on a Rammstein DVD. Then he was talking about how we’ll take a look at some cartoons like Spongebob Squarepants and talk about Anti-Americanism in the world. It’s two nights a week for 6 weeks so that will be rough, but I don’t think I will be bored. The classroom setup blows though.
  • I got an A- in my English class. Why didn’t I get marks like that when I actually went to school?
  • The Canadian dollar is at an all time high. Is it time to make a trip across the border to buy some merchandise before we need barcodes tattooed to our skin to get across?
  • I had to kill some ants sprouting up around my house yesterday. I bought some powder to do the trick. This morning I saw a few roaming around. Don’t know if that’s a bad sign or not.