
Han Shoots First…Again!

In what is probably the biggest news of today (other than my bus fiasco), Lucasfilm is releasing the original versions of Star Wars on DVD this September for a limited time.

Man, this has been a long time coming.

Something tells me you’ll be hearing about this everywhere from Entertainment Tonight, to CNN, to the Northern Times.


Beginning of a Good Morning?

6:04 AM – Wake up to the sound of Mike going to the washroom. Man, I would be livid if my body woke me up before my usual 6:45 AM wake time to go to the washroom.

6:10 AM – My alarm goes off.

6:11 – 6:45 – I do my regular thing. Get into the car.

6:46 AM – Decide to take Mike’s advice and drive all the way to Place D’Orleans’ park and ride instead of the Trim Road one.

6:58 AM – Get to the Park and Ride. Park the car. Notice that AChannel and Majic100 are here giving out T-Shirts and coffee mugs. I promptly ignore them to go look at the bus schedule.

7:02 AM – Am waiting for the 7:05 bus which awesomely enough will be bring me right to work’s door. No transfers for me! Driving to Place D’Orleans has its perks!

7:02:30 AM – Realize I forgot my bus pass along with my security pass at home.

7:04 AM – Back on the road back home. Grumbling all the way since I’m 4 kms away from home as opposed to the 1 km I usually am if I went to the other Park and Ride.

7:15 AM – Get back to the house, grab the pass, get back on the road. Please keep in mind that I’m usually at work at 7:30 AM.

7:16 AM – Realize that traffic is just plain dumb if I take the highway so I decide to take the side streets there. Surprisingly enough, no traffic encountered. As Ted ‘Theodore’ Logan would say “Excellent!”

7:25 AM – Get back to the Park and Ride at Place D’Orleans.

7:28 AM – Get onto the packed bus which coincidentally does NOT have an empty seat for my ride downtown. Automatic deduction in Mike’s theory of driving to Place D’Orleans. I was trying to explain to him why I didn’t go to Place D’Orleans to take the bus and I couldn’t put my finger on the reason. This was the reason! Everytime I go there I had to stand up on the bus, whereas if I go to Trim Road, it’s the first stop on the line so I have the pick of the litter in terms of bus seats.

8:00 AM – I get to work. Now I have to stay until 4:00 which in itself is not too bad considering I have class tonight anyhow so I have to kill some time.

Oddly enough, I have discovered the following facts that actually made the trip worthwhile:

  • If I take the 95x bus from Trim Road, it takes me usually between 45-50 minutes.
  • Even though I had to stand up on the 27 bus from Place D’Orleans, it managed to only take 30 minutes to get to my work. That was a surprise.
  • Usually, the 27 bus is a double decker long bus so they would have room.

Verdict: I’ll give the Place D’Orleans one a shot again. I can’t hold the forgetting of the bus pass against Mike. I can hold the fact that I had to stand up on the bus against him. But that was at 7:30 in the morning. Perhaps if my original plan went through and I got on around 7:00, there would have been a seat.

Plus, when I get to the mall, I can just get into my car and drive home. Sometimes I have to wait for the 95x to bring me home which can take up to 15 minutes. Sure, I may use a little extra gas and mileage but the difference is 6 kms a day. Sure that adds up, but at some point you have to find a balance between environment and convenience. Ha! I’m laughing at that statement considering the environment posting below which is all about being inconvenient but necessary. This morning, I am a walking contradiction.


Metal Gods

The metal Gods doth shine on thee.

Courtesy of Duffman.