
O Tom, Why Doth Thy Suck?

In the movie news, all you hear about is how Mission Impossible 3 is not bringing in the big bucks it was planning to.

I find this disappointing considering I wasn’t disappointed with this movie. This reminds me of another flop – The Island. I never heard anything about this movie other than the fact that it didn’t do too well…and it was a killer flick.

Speaking about killer flicks…methinks Tom killed this one on his own. Unfortunately, the line between actor (in a movie) and actor (in real life) is connected and that’s probably what drove people not to go see MI3.

Can you blame them? Unsure at this point. It is a movie after all, so it’s not like he’s going to be harping about his religion in the movie (unless THE RABBIT’S FOOT is some Scientology device that none of us know about! I hope my faithful Scientologist contingent answer my question) so no one should be scared of the movie from that point.

But, I suppose it could be that people just didn’t like the previous movies. John Woo movies are a love/hate thing – I personally love them.

Anyhow, to Tom, some sage advice. There’s three things that you just don’t talk about in public – that’s finances, religion, and how your girlfriend can beat you up.