
King of the Hill

This morning I had to go to the West Block at Parliament Hill to watch some MPs in action.

I must admit that I feel proud when I step onto Parliament Hill for business and not while being sloshing drunk (ala Canada Day. That’s the only day that I’m like that on the Hill. It’s not like it’s a monthly event people). I walk up and think “Hey, I’m not here to sight-see, I’m here for business!”

Granted, this visit wasn’t the most exciting as I was only there to observe a Standing Committee meeting, but there was this one time years ago when I was in a meeting in the East Block and then I had to follow some official type back to their office and instead of walking across the grounds, we walked UNDER the ground in a tunnel which connects the Main Block with the East block. COOL! I felt like I was in my own little secret passageway. It was wide enough for a golf cart.

Anyhow, I’m sure some of the more politically minded friends that I have (read: Paul Duffy) would have enjoyed it a lot more, but I can’t knock walking up to the Hill on a beautiful morning and checking out the going-ons inside the walls.