
Review: Days of The New

I like how everytime I go to the used CD store nowadays (or garage sales) there’s a slew of albums from grunge/alt era that I wanted to own, so I’m just discovering them now.

Let’s take 1997’s debut album of Days of the New. What can I say about them?

Acoustic folk/grunge/country?/rock album. You can’t go wrong! His voice is something else also which just pulls you into the music.

But my only gripe with this album is that there are quite a few songs that sound the same! In fact at one point, the track had changed and I thought I was just entering a different verse of the song.

Perhaps the repetitive sounding guitar lessens his their subsequent releases and I would hope so.


Review: Firefly and Serenity

Alright sci-fi geeks, listen up.

Joss Whedon (of Buffy fame) made this kickass sci-fi TV show called Firefly back in 2003.

I finished watching the 15 episode series (before it was cancelled) and my thoughts on it are this:


The show revolves around smugglers out in space, but since it’s only 500 years in the future, the customs of Earth are still there such as guns and dialect, but then you couple it with the new customs of the world (such as America and China being the supreme super power which rules the galaxy, hence the reason why everyone seems to know how to speak Chinese and English).

There’s a crew of 9 people and the main storyline revolves around two stowaways, River and Simon, River being a special girl who was in Alliance (the big superpower, think THE GALACTIC EMPIRE) custody and Simon broke her out of there because they were doing some crazy mind experiments on her.

So, like any good TV show, not every episode revolves around the MAIN storyline…you have your humour filled episodes in which the crew of the Firefly class ship Serenity has to deliver cattle to other planets, or when they show up to one town and the slave workers workship one of the crew who had an encounter with them in the past…

All in all, I highly recommend this series. Vero even gave the thumbs up after watching one episode and she doesn’t even like sci-fi. She thought the story was good and even if the setting was in space, it really had nothing to do with space.

Alas, the series was cancelled, but there was such a major fan following that a movie studio allowed them to come back and make a major motion picture out of it to tie up some loose plot points (and to give what the fans wanted).

Hence, the movie Serenity came out.

I watched this on Saturday and I was blown away. It follows the crew of Serenity being chased by the Alliance who are trying to take River back because of some secrets she knows.

All in all, I would have definitely loved this movie even if I hadn’t seen the series. It was a great movie, great acting, great effects, great STORY!!! I will probably pick this movie up myself seeing at how good it was. It was strange to see the settings a little difference (such as the entire ship of Serenity all dark and mysterious) as opposed to the TV show where it was bright. Also, some characters have moved onto other planets but you still get to see them during the movie.

All in all, two thumbs up for both the series and the movie.


Lay Those Stones Down

Saturday’s operation of laying down my patio stones went off without a hitch. With the help of Rob and Mike, I can now look at my walkway and realize that there’s no way that there will ever be any rain trickling towards the house.

Saturday started off with a start out of bed and into the car to go check out garage sales for a crowbar. I have determined that no one ever parts with their crowbar, but they do part with halogen lights for $5. Sweet deal.

After picking up a crowbar at Canadian Tire, I started hauling out the stones and shortly afterwards, Rob and Mike showed up. After an hour of messing around, we realized that it would be a lot easier if we had the proper tools for the job, so off to Home Depot we went. Let me point out that this entire day went smooth due to Rob doing some bricklaying back in the day in Paisley. His knowledge helped us out immensely.

The day was done by 3:30 and I can’t say we worked too hard. However, I have realized that drinking beer while working in a 35 degree day isn’t the smartest thing to do. I was feeling pretty sluggish around 2:45 so I thought some H20 may do the trick. After we were refreshed, the job was finished pretty soon after that.

I dig the jobs that would probably only take 2-3 hours if we busted our ass, but take all day because we don’t feel like busting our ass.