It’s all about BBQs. Do any other country love BBQs as much as our nation? Doubtful. But I would love to meet them.
Weekend plans are looking good – my sister and John are coming up, as well as Miguel and Katie. Mike’s birthday is on Friday night which should be good times. Saturday will consist of checking out the Portugal World Cup Game at Duncan’s where there will be a BBQ happening. Then we’ll go downtown in the evening to check out the fireworks.
Sunday is up in the air but thoughts are leaning towards going to the caves in Gatineau Park. It will be a most excellent trip if we end up going! We will see how we feel when the time comes.
Other random goodness:
- I was checking out the kitesurfers at Petrie Island the other day and it looked pretty cool. Then it turns out that one of Krista’s friends just got his instructor’s license so I was asking him a few questions about it. Seems like an expesnsive hobby to start up in with lessons – but after that no problems.
- July is looking to be a full month of events. Shannon’s wedding on the 8th, visit with Vero’s extended family on the 22nd, then Lumberjackfest on the 27th. So I think if I have anything major to accomplish around the house, I should think about July 15th!
- Picked up the new Keane and Billy Talent albums the other day. Stellar releases! I’ve given more focus to Billy Talent so far, however Keane is always playing in the car.