
The Trip to Saint-Jacques-de-Leeds

On Friday, Vero and I headed out to Saint-Jacques-de-Leeds which is an hour south of Quebec City. I like Quebec. Other than the traffic jams at 5:30 on a Friday in Montreal, I like Quebec. I think it’s way more beautiful than Ontario. The valleys are key. We traversed through a slew of valleys and the sun was setting and all was good in the world when we hit up the village.

Hung out with Grandma Payeur on Friday night which was great as I got to see some photos of Veronique as a kid (always a plus!) and was introduced to Croque-Monsieurs, pieces of toast with cheese and bacon on them. Mmm boy! They reminded me Dad’s ‘Cheese Dreams’ which were full slices of bread, toasted with cheese, bacon and Worcheister sauce. Yum!

Saturday arrived and we slept in and walked around the village to pick up some groceries for the camping night and we stumbled upon a heritage site where they spoke about the creation of the village and whatnot. This is where I started my forray into Quebec history – Saint-Jacques-des-Leeds was originally Leeds Village (and is also still known as such at the Post Office.). The English Anglicans settled there, built a church, had a good time. I wondered where the heck the French came from all of a sudden to change the name of the village?

Saturday evening brought forth some camping and swimming. Good times were had with Vero’s cousins and friends and I must admit that I held my own amongst the French speaking folk (and a few beers doesn’t hurt either!). It started raining as soon as we got there so we hung up a few tarps and we had a good campfire going on, but around midnight when I wanted to go to bed, the pain of camping in the rain ensued as we had to lift the tent over to the car to fill up the air mattress, then we returned the tent back to its spot, meanwhile making sure that every spot on the walls were touched in some fashion so water seeped through easily. There were puddles of water inside already and after a few hours of passing out I awoke to find that my sleeping bag was soaked on the sides and bottom.

Vero’s cousin’s boyfriend came by and asked if we wanted to go home…this was 4 o’clock in the morning, the eurobeats were still pumping from the car stereos (this wasn’t a provincial park so there’s no curfew) and all of us were wet. But we realized we are troopers and we can’t have some rain scare us away!

Well, not until at least 8 AM when Vero and I realized we had 2 hours of sleep and were just lying there with water dripping on our heads and we were soaked. We packed up and headed home and slept until the early afternoon.

Sunday brought forth some poutine next door and we went to see the farm in behind Grandma Payeur’s place where Vero proceeded to touch an electric fence! Her arm was numb and all, and we were wondering why there were no signs posted. I must admit I thought it was a little funny. We went over to the church to pay some respects to Grandpa Payeur and then I had a nap on the grass overlooking the valley and all was good in the sunny world. We went home, had some hot chicken sandwiches and hung out with Vero’s extended family for awhile.

All in all, an amazing trip to an amazing village. I love the small town feel. There’s just so much to do around the area if you are into the wilderness. Otherwise you would probably be bored.

Mom filled me on the whole ‘changing names of the village’ thing. Turns out (here’s a history lesson that I’m sure everyone but myself knew). Supposedly Quebec wasn’t really that French until the 1960s. That’s why my parents could come from Gaspe and not have to speak French – because the businesses were run by the English which started from the Battle on the Plains of Abraham when the English kicked butt. But then a quiet revolution occurred and the French took back the land in the 1960s and now what you see in Quebec is an anti-English province, with their own churches and schools (and the renaming of all the villages!). Who would have thought?

I recommend that anyone who is making a trip through any province get off the highway for awhile and take some backroads. That’s where the magic of the land lies – in the heart of a valley.


King’s Quest III Remake

What is the greatest thing about the Internet?

That geeks from the old days get together and update key adventure games so that they are a lot more visually appealing and a lot more fun to play!

A few years ago, I stumbled upon AGD Interactive who redid King’s Quest I and II into VGA with the point-and-click interface that we all love from the mid-90s Sierra adventure games! Awesome. Good times are had. Sierra redid their original games with this interface but must have not made that much money on them (perhaps heralding the death of the adventuer game) so they didn’t bother with the rest of them.

In comes these great, great communities who revamp these old games and put them out there for free! Amazing!

I played King’s Quest III VGA for about an hour last night and am about 1/2 way through it. Why so fast? Well, considering I probably logged a good 250+ hours to do so when I was a child and really couldn’t find the magic wand for a good year and this was the day before walkthroughs and the Internet (although I’m pretty sure they must have had a hint book for sale – I had bought one for Police Quest!), I must say that I’m pretty well an expert of the game now and can whiz through it. I am overly impressed with the game so far and it has brought back fond memories and am awaiting the arrival of the voice pack for the game (although most of the time I just like to whiz through the text anyhow).

If you are up for a good time on the computer, download King’s Quest I VGA to start off your adventures in Daventry! My mom and I used to play these games and I think she gave up while I kept on truckin’. But I think she would have a good time with them nowadays and she should go ahead and install it on her computer.

On another note to my faithful readers, if anyone of you has my King’s Quest Collection, can you please return it?


Ambition Lost

I have suddenly lost all ambition to blog in this past week. It’s like nothing insane has come out of my head to talk about.

But I am sure that after a few sentences I’ll go on for hours.

In other news, let’s talk about summer is cool and all, until you hit what I like to refer to as “the gauntlet”.

It’s the time where you won’t have a single weekend to yourself anymore. The summer is officially over as you will be travelling every weekend to and from exotic locales within 900 kms of home base. In the end, it will contribute to the ‘best summer ever’ but when you’re approaching it, it’s hard to swallow.

That being said, here’s an iteniary (sp?) for ya:
This weekend: Going up to some village in Quebec, Saint Boogala Shaqa Shaqa Rim Ram (or something like that. They all sound the same. They don’t have one word!) where Vero’s parents lived for awhile and where her cousins and grandmother currently reside.
Weekend after: Hello Lumberjackfest! Everyone is welcome. Suck it up and do the drive for 900 kms.
Weekend after that: Katie’s Cottage Weekend! Boom! The power of MacGuyver will be summoned for that weekend!
Weekend after that: Actually, I’m back in Ottawa! This ain’t too bad, but I heard rumours of a bachelor party going on?
Weekend after that: Well, I guess I can’t complain too much as I’ll be back in town once again, but I think there may be a wedding that weekend to go to?
Weekend after that: Hey, is that Labour Day weekend? That’s going to be a doozy. Going to Sault Ste. Marie for a wedding, then hopping over to Tobermory to see Troy at the cottage.
And somewhere in all of that, I wouldn’t mind hightailing it to Meaford to see Danny and Carol along with Mike. Still undecided on whether or not to check them out during the fall where the salmon run happens, or end of August where the beaches are killer.

Oh, liver, don’t die on me now.


Review: Nintendo DS

James and Ferda dropped by to pick up some French language test books (you shall rock that exam Ferda!). But the true gem last night is I got a taste of what my youth.

Back in the day, I was a hardcore video gamer. I knew it all, I played it all, but more importantly, I knew the secret codes to the Konami console games. 😉 I don’t feel that I lost out on my youth because I was inside playing video games all the time…that’s the way I was and I think I turned out alright. Hogwash to all these people saying kids should get outside…as long as I’m not stuffing my face while playing video games, things are good! Heck, we all know I was a think stick of a man back in the day. Hmm…I’ve gone off on a tangent but now I’m wondering if there was a correlation of my sleek physique and my video game playing…

Anyhow, back to last night. Ferda mentioned she was a Tetris champ so we had a challenge and she was pretty good. Although I don’t think any of us in the room are of Carrie/Annie calibre. They are Tetris masters. Definitely.

But then while playing James pulled out his Nintendo DS (Dual-Screen) and showed it to me. At first I was thinking “Alright, I’ll give this a look since James is really into this.” but I didn’t think I would be super impressed since Benoit had showed me one before and I really wasn’t impressed.


Was I wrong.

The Nintendo DS is the latest in an evolution of the Gameboy. Gone are the small black and white screens of the handheld generation of video gaming. This screen was huge, it was colour and the graphics were magnificent. I played a little Tetris which had a few new features (which I consider cheating features but who’s counting, right?) and then checked out some Super Mario Kart which was amazing.

But the truly mind-blowing feature was that it could connect to the Internet so you could play certain games (like Tetris and Mario Kart) against somebody out there in the world. AWESOME! Let’s think back to those days where you’re sitting down alone in your room playing some game and thinking “Dang, it would be great to have someone here to play against at this moment.” and see the lone controller sitting next to you so then you start up a two player game thinking that you can manage one with your set of hands and then one with your feet…alright, no one as actually tried this, right? 😉

Anyhow, I thought that was the greatest part of the DS…multiplayer via the Internet. Incredible. I had heard about it, read about it, but never really tried it out.

Plus, the other good point about it all is that it seemed like the games were simple…they went back to the old school type gaming – side scrollers in particular. Gone were the ‘Doom/Quake’ style games where you just hunt everything and kill them. We’re talking Mario going around kicking some Goomba ass! That’s what people love. At least, that’s what I loved. I gave up gaming a long time ago because I just didn’t find the new games interesting. They were more about their special effects, their spectacular moves, but rarely about their gameplay.

Is the Nintendo DS cool? Definitely. Is it cool enough to bring Ryan back into the gaming world? Unsure. We all know I’ve travelled down this path before when I got the Xbox for Christmas and sadly, didn’t find it all that interesting. It turned out to be an amazing media center though that I use every day, but the games on the Xbox sucked. I don’t think I’ll be rushing out anytime soon to pick up a DS, nor do I want it as a gift (as Vero thought I was hinting towards after raving about it last night on the phone and she said “Are you saying all of this because your birthday is coming up?”), but I will try one out a little more and see if I’m interested.

So far, I give the thing 2 thumbs up, but I’m sure if I have third thumb and the Game Boy Advance Adapter for it, there would be three thumbs up just for the coolness of backwards compatability. I dig that kind of thing.

This post is dedicated to Carrie and Philipp who I know would love to play this…especially Mario Kart, and ESPECIALLY the fact that they could play Mario Kart against each other in different cities via the Internet, or if they were in the same room together.



This morning brings one of the more funny headlines that I’ve seen in awhile.

“Lavigne ate junk food before wedding”
From here.

Heaven forbid! Now, I know what you’re all thinking. “Ryan, why the heck would I care about this?”

That’s a good point! In fact, I’m here to tell you that every inconsequential detail of your life is relevant to SOMEONE out there.

I would like to start my own online news strip with headlines of my friends and family that would be a shocker for sure, such as:
“Ryan eats bagel before starting his work day!”
“Moustache – Day 8 – Coming Along Fine!”
“Chicken is flipped, not once, but twice in Palmer BBQ last night!!! Shocking photos inside!”


Memories of the Karate Kid

On Saturday night after going to the greatness which is Camkong, Vero and I decided to go to Wal-Mart to see if we could find the Karate Kid in their bargain bins.

Have you ever gone to Wal-Mart to REALLY look at their movies? It is solid goodness people. I even found all three seasons of Sealab 2021 for $20 each. Arrested Development – 2/$35.

But the real winner was the fact that I found The Octagon starring Chuck Norris for $3.33. Now, I have not yet seen this film but I remember Jennie telling me about it and it’s Chuck Norris goodness – full of him fighting an evil twin brother?

We also found the Karate Kid collection which includes all three plus The Next Karate Kid which I can only imagine sucks. This weekend was spent reliving grand moments while watching Karate Kid 1, 2, and 3.

I remember the first time I saw the Karate Kid – it was my birthday and my parents rented, RENTED a VCR along with the Karate Kid. I can’t recall if there were friends over watching this with me, but all I remember is watching this movie over and over again. I’m not sure if we had this VCR all weekend long, but it was a sweet piece of technology. I could watch a movie over and over again, and better yet, I could rewind the best friggin’ action scene in the whole wide world, the crane kick at the end of the movie. PAF! Aww man, that’s gotta hurt Cobra Kai.

Anyhow, Part 1 & 2 were excellent, but Part 3 kind of fell apart and I’m thankful the series ended with that (although I have yet to see The Next Karate Kid).

I was watching the special features of the Karate Kid, and the martial arts master – Pat Johnson – was seen with a The Octagon t-shirt, no doubt from actually working on this film.

Is this some weird freaky coincidence that I should buy these two movies, but there was an unknown connection between the two of them all along?



As I was sick during the weekend, I never got around to writing my all-around goodness report on the Sam Roberts concert. Stay tuned when I feel inspired!


R.I.P. Trixie – A Tale of a Boy and His Dog

Dad called this morning to let me know that Trixie had to be put down due to internal bleeding from some unknown cause. Seeing that Trixie is 14 years old, it didn’t make much sense to find out what the cause was considering the damage has been done.

I must admit that I am pretty sad that I won’t see Trixie anymore. I have been hoping that she would be around one last time before heading up in a few weeks to Lumberjack Fest. I know that’s selfish of me…I am happy to see that she did not suffer before moving onto Doggie Heaven.

It hit me 3 years ago that Trixie won’t be around forever so I remember taking the photo above because I thought I should have a few pictures of Trixie and me. I remember being frustrated because Trixie wasn’t the most agreeable dog so every time I would sit and try and have her look at the camera with me she would either run off to sniff at something or tackle me with her slimy nose. Ha ha! I had a good laugh that day.

Trixie was half husky, half Alaskan malamute, I believe. A true Northern dog who would stay out in the cold all day long (unless it was 40 below and then she would curl up and hide her face away from Dad when he woke up in the morning. This was her way of saying “Are you crazy? I’m not going out there!!!) and pull ME for a walk (not the other way around!).

Trixie was a great dog but man, did she have a nomadic streak to her. She could never go off her chain/leash or else she would take off! I remember many times having to take a pack of weiners with me to chase after her and lure her back to the house. I remember this one time where she got as far as the Labries and turned around. I thought she was being nice to me and would come back. With a weiner in my hand I approached…slowly, slowly, more slowly, oh, not too fast! Then, I *swear* Trixie laughed at me with some wild eyes and took off. Damn you, you dirty dog! Ha ha ha…man, it was good times chasing after her. Even if we couldn’t find her, we would come home and awhile later she would literally come home with her tail between her legs and head straight for the doghouse. I think secretly everyone in the family loved when she roamed the wild which was Kapuskasing but as authoritative figures, Mom and Dad always made up excuses like “Oh, what if she got into someone’s trash? That’s not good!” I would like to think that she always found some cool dogs to hang out with for awhile, sniffed some butt, ran around and then at the end of the adventure, well it’s time to go home to the coolest family in the world!

I must admit that I haven’t lived in Kap for about 9 years now so Trixie hasn’t been a constant factor in my life so I haven’t seen her in the later years of life…one year she grew this lump and Dad wanted me to touch it. Ewww…that thing was gross! I have no idea what this thing was but she lived with it for the past few years.

Memories are flooding back now of every little thing that she would do. Bark to get in, then bark to get out in the span of 30 seconds. Everyone always yelled at the dog for this but I thought it was hilarious. I wonder if it was her secret way of playing a game with us. She was a clever dog.

The odd thing about Trixie is that she never once came down into the basement. Perhaps she was scared of the stairs. I had always wanted to bring her down to the basement and I remember saying this to Mom and Dad when I was up last Christmas. I wanted her to have a sneak peek into where we went to watch television or to get our laundry. I remember when she first came home and we realized that we would have to set up her blanket (a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe blanket nontheless) up in the kitchen. Trixie was always fond of strange foods…such as carrots. You always had to give her the carrot after dinner. She would even wait by the fridge for it. I’m sure I’ll have all sorts of memories flooding back throughout the next week….

Here’s to the greatest dog anyone could ever know. I was scared of dogs before I met Trixie and she made me love her, and the rest of the canine species (except for the small yappy ones. What a waste of a dog. Get a dog that you can throw around a little and put on some ski-doo mitts and have her tear into them. That didn’t turn out to be a good thing when we DIDN’T want to play with her!). I will miss Trixie and the way my room smelled like old, wet dog when I returned the first time from college. I let her sleep in the room though that one night but she decided to leave the next night because she was cool like that. I suppose she figured if she could have my room for four months, then she can give it up for a week or two.

We’ll miss you Trixie. I hope you’re up there eating all the weiners and carrots that your heart desires.


An Ode to Sammy and the Boys

I can feel it in my bones…the spirit of rock is seeping in slowly, slowly, oh man, it’s going to get me!

Rock n roll people.

That’s what tonight is all about.

Monday night Bluesfest is in town and we got a killer lineup. The Stills, Matt Mays & El Torpedo and the all time rock n roll magic brought to you by the Sam Roberts Band.

I’m sure you all know my love for these guys…I don’t even think I’m going to portray how much these guys make my fist pound in the air and my throat to be hoarse the next morning. Sure, people can debate it, but I think the Sam Roberts band has what it takes to be a long time musical entity in this great nation.

Anyhow, Mike, Krista and I are off to the concert tonight. I am trying to find a wristband for the Wednesday night show with Mobile, Nelly Furtado (meh) and Live. If I can’t find a wristband, I will most likely buy a ticket.

Decent lineup this year, but not enough for me to warrant an actual week-long pass.

iplaying: Travellin’ – Matt Mays & El Torpedo


An Ode To Joe (and Shannon and Maureen of course!)

Shannon and Maureen’s wedding went off without a hitch…other than the fact that the church was not unlocked until 2:25 and it was a 2:30 wedding. Being an usher didn’t help me out any and I had to do unruly crowd control on 150 guests. I even had to tazer one rogue who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I felt that on the Lord’s grounds, this was appropriate as he was trying to break into the church. Sorry about that Duncan!

However, in all reality, things went well. Ushering was reduced directing the herd of cattle when they entered into the church (bride side, groom side) since there was just this mass flux of people. I ended up taking my excellent, excellent viewing position by the musicans up at the front of the church. That’s a bonus of getting to be part of the wedding – you don’t have to be in the back wondering what’s going on up front (aka “Did Shannon cry?” Shannon most definitely did NOT cry at the wedding and we have had many witnesses confirm that, so James, suck it up and pay off the bet ya baby!)

Playing a Mozart tune with Caroline went off alright. I messed up this one chord change which I had kept messing up all along during the practices. Do I really care? Not really…only the musically adept people in the crowd noticed which consists of 1% of the population. I like those odds.

Jason graciously hosted us at his house before the reception started and then we headed off to the Irish Hills Golf Course to start the night off strong! The MC was great, the venue was great, the speeches were great (old and cheap women…Duncan, you art brave!…heck, while I’m at it, let’s all remember how I got a shoutout from the bridesmaid during her speech. Awesome.), the food was great.

I took stage to play Mr. Jones to start off the night. After viewing the video taken of the event (aka, very dark, but you can hear me play) I can now safely say I am an accomplished wedding singer and am now charging $50 (or free drinks all night) to play at any further events. My apprenticeship is done!

The rest of the night resulted in a flurry of dancing and mayhem, where around 11:30, the ties come off and the shirts unbuttoned. I even brought my trusty pewter beer mug which Shannon gave to me as a gift. Thanks to those who brought it to me after I had left it at the reception! But where are my sunglasses? That’s the real question. I just bought those suckers for $9 at the Beer Store!

The highlight of the night was definitely Joe. Joe is currently up in Nunavut making tons of cash working for the Coast Guard. In the true spirit of Joe, I brought a framed portrait of him (seen above) and carried him everywhere. Joe got in more pictures with ladies than he would have in real life. Ha! I even had him on the chair next to me during Mr. Jones. Let me apologize to all the people who asked myself and Maureen (and whoever else) if our friend was dead. He is not dead, just cold and very sober up in Nunavut. Joe, here’s to ya. Rumour has it, Joe’s picture went home with a lady at the end of the night. Booya.

By only disappointment was that by 12:00, there were only 4 people left in the room who were over the age of 40. I won’t knock the families too much, but bring out your dancing shoes next time!

Special props go out to Vero who looked very pretty in her party attire. Tu es tres belle, mon cherie!

Congrats Maureen and Shannon! I hope you enjoy your move to Deep River and life together as Mr. and Mrs.


Should music be free?

Interesting article today on the state of filesharing.

I especially like Rob Thomas’ comments about new artists.

Click here.

iplaying: One Evening – Feist (Let it Die) – yes, a song that I downloaded. Actually, the entire album. But I’m more of a try before you buy kind of guy nowadays. In some cases not even! I’ll go buy an album on a whim and if it sucks, ah well.