I almost forgot about my Saturday night! I spent the first part of the night going through some old recordings with Vero, but later on we hit up Sarah’s pad (just down the hall, boy do I love residence!) to play some Stock Ticker.
From the onset, the game looked pretty lame, but then I got into it and it turned out to be cool that I will be keeping my eye open at garage sales for this gem.
Stock Ticker basically involves stocks. You all start out with $5K and are able to buy stocks. The players determine a time when the game will end (let’s say 2 hours from now) and then the dice start rolling. There are three dice – the name of the stock, the action of the stock (it can go up, down, or pay out dividends), and the number associated with the action (for example if you roll a 20 and it’s dividends, then you get 20% of whatever stock you own).
We set up two rounds of rolling and then you get the chance to buy or sell stock. So in this time of two rounds, the stock market has fluctuated due to the rolling of the dice. Stocks have either gone up or down so you have to think about either keeping your stock or selling it.
That’s it! It’s a really simple game but there is definitely strategy involved which I failed at miserably as I came out with $2700 which was a definite loss whereas all others were in the positive.
Two thumbs up for this great game. As soon as I find it, I’m calling a games night.