
Stop Idolizing

As you all must know, Montreal was victim to some moron going in to a college and firing on innocents.

I’m not even going to begin to go into how these people are morons…but I want to talk about the media for a minute.

I hate how all we see today is pictures of the killer with his firearms. Yes, because THIS is what I want to see. A killer being idolized.

I can’t recall the specific details, but I’m pretty sure that when JFK was killed, the cover of TIME had his (supposed) killer on the front of it, not JFK.

Why are we intrigued by the killers and not the victims? Where’s the picture of the poor girl who lost her life yesterday? Granted, maybe that’s not the best route either…maybe the family doesn’t wish for their child’s face to be plastered over the media after she has been killed.

But at the very least, stop freakin’ publishing pictures of the killer flaunting his firearms like they’re his pride and joy. It’s an insult to everyone involved, and I also feel insulted that I have to see these pictures everytime I’m trying to get an update on the story.

Personally, it makes me sick to the stomach everytime I see a picture of this guy. Perhaps the media should forget about the killers and focus on the tragedy.

Ten bucks says someone out there can name me the individuals responsible for the Columbine Massacre but can’t name me one person who died innocently.


Write A Letter!

In the spirit of my letter writing campaign, here’s a VERY interesting article for you all.

Click here.