
Extended Warranty Not Too Shabby

My camera is a little on the fritz (as in some buttons do not work) and I was in a ‘woe is me’ state for awhile thinking my warranty must have expired by now.

But when I went to Henry’s with Mike last night, I asked if they would have my name on file so I could check out if the warranty is still good.

Turns out that I had purchased the extended warranty which was good for an additional 4 years! Wooooohooo! I remember clearly that Philipp and I had spoken about getting the warranty package after the fiasco I had with my old camera.

So, I’ll drop it off tomorrow and all will be good in the world.

Advice of the Day People – Even if you haven’t bought an extended warranty, make sure you check to see when your warranty expires IMMEDIATELY when something breaks. For all you know, your one-year warranty may be up the next week and you just are lazy and don’t bother and then get screwed in the end. That’s what happened with my old camera. I was just plain lazy.


Rumour: Sam Roberts heading back to O-Town?

Currently, the Sam Roberts band is travelling down in the States but there have been a few Canadian dates popping up around the month of November – Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Montreal (doh, on a Thursday!). Is it possible that they’ll be back in Ottawa for the fall? They’ve already hit our great capital city twice this year so this may be a stretch. However, considering that one of the appearances was for Bluesfest (ala photo taken above), one may wonder if they’ll bring back a show proper – ESPECIALLY after the fire alarm that killed five songs the last time they were in town.