
Sit Down with the Calculator

Here’s a tip to save some money (potentially) to all you long distance plan users out there.

We had the $20/month, unlimited long distance plan from Rogers. We just removed it because we live in the world of Skype and where long distance isn’t just from the provider anymore. Heck, I remember changing long distance plans in college every few months so I could get free stuff. Rumour has it that Sens tickets were actually given to switch over to Sprint at one time.

Here’s the scoop from yours truly after getting off the phone. Turns out that if you get rid of any long distance package, long distance within North America is 9 cents a minute.

Whoa. You know, years ago it was pretty sweet when it was 10 cents a minute but I remember that those deals were few and far between.

So there you have it…9 cents a minute. Now, if you think of the $20/month package, that would equate to 222 minutes, or 3.7 hours.

If you’re like me and don’t speak on the phone that much anyhow, perhaps you should look into NOT paying the $20/month package to speak to your loved ones over long distances, but go for the basic plan. Coupled with Skype and (only 2 cents a minute people!) you are talking instant goldmine.

However, if you speak a lot of long distance and you don’t feel like going on the Internet (or are unable to!) to set up a phone call, then the $20/month is for you.


Extended Warranty Not Too Shabby

My camera is a little on the fritz (as in some buttons do not work) and I was in a ‘woe is me’ state for awhile thinking my warranty must have expired by now.

But when I went to Henry’s with Mike last night, I asked if they would have my name on file so I could check out if the warranty is still good.

Turns out that I had purchased the extended warranty which was good for an additional 4 years! Wooooohooo! I remember clearly that Philipp and I had spoken about getting the warranty package after the fiasco I had with my old camera.

So, I’ll drop it off tomorrow and all will be good in the world.

Advice of the Day People – Even if you haven’t bought an extended warranty, make sure you check to see when your warranty expires IMMEDIATELY when something breaks. For all you know, your one-year warranty may be up the next week and you just are lazy and don’t bother and then get screwed in the end. That’s what happened with my old camera. I was just plain lazy.


Rumour: Sam Roberts heading back to O-Town?

Currently, the Sam Roberts band is travelling down in the States but there have been a few Canadian dates popping up around the month of November – Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Montreal (doh, on a Thursday!). Is it possible that they’ll be back in Ottawa for the fall? They’ve already hit our great capital city twice this year so this may be a stretch. However, considering that one of the appearances was for Bluesfest (ala photo taken above), one may wonder if they’ll bring back a show proper – ESPECIALLY after the fire alarm that killed five songs the last time they were in town.

Review: Bon Cop Bad Cop

Alright, if you know me, you’ll know that whenever I tout a movie, the words “BEST MOVIE EVER!!!” come out of my mouth.

But let’s be serious here. I did see the best movie of the summer last night with Claudine, Vero and Mike. It’s name was Bon Cop Bad Cop.

Patrick Huard’s is a comedian/actor from Quebec who I’ve seen in Les Boys movies. Very funny stuff. I enjoy the Quebec humour. In fact, I enjoy CANADIAN humour. I like hearing jokes that Canadians would get. In this case, perhaps Ontario/Quebec residents may get more jokes…unsure.

So the premise of this movie is like any other good cop movie where two cops have to join together on a case, but unfortunately for them, one is a ‘by-the-book’ guy, and the other…not so much.

Colm Feore (of Trudeau fame) plays Martin Ward from Toronto (the prim and proper) while Patrick Huard plays David Bouchard from Montreal (the rough and tumble). They end up on the 401 at the border between Ontario and Quebec start; to find a body laying atop of the border crossing sign. After debating who should take the case, the end up accidentally ripping the body in two and discover that their fates are joined for the remainder of the movie.

They claim that this is the first Canadian bilingual movie and it’s true. Languages are interchanged all the time. It’s not like when they are in Quebec, they speak French, but if they are in Ontario they speak English. They speak the different languages all the time, so it’s convenient if you can understand both. But they have subtitles in case you can’t understand.

One thing I found odd was that the translation was WAY off in some parts. At one point, they are speaking in French and say “Well, we can either go to the helicopter pad, or St. Hubert” but they translated St. Hubert to airport. Did they think that there would be some English folk that just wouldn’t get the joke? St. Hubert is the best freakin’ restaurant alive!!!

I also enjoyed the fact that the English police chief’s name was LeBoeuf, while the French chief’s name was MacDuff. Classic.

There was also a great lesson on how to swear in French that every English person should watch to better their understanding.

Anyhow, jokes, action, cool Canadiana made for an ultimate movie. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up for this film and I implore every good Canadian reading this to watch this film.
I even recommend this movie to Nanny. Even though there are a few swear words and action scenes, you should take a look at this film as it’s a part of our culture.


Vero’s Birthday Party

After awaking from The Who concert, Vero and I went around Orleans to pick up some picnic supplies and drop in to see Baby Philippe who looks very chipper.

We headed over to Rob’s to bring them in the caravan of people going to Strathcona Park for some good potluck eats, as well as some fun and games. We set up the volleyball net but I only played awhile as I noticed a spot came open in bocce ball and we played for a few hours. I would like to congratulate our team on coming from a 7 point deficit with only one point needed from the other team to win the game to the glory victory that Jen, Eric and I shared! It was a true underdog story (much like Dodgeball) and we even tried to dunk the Chief Measurer later on, but his mother would not allow it. 😉

The crew packed up and a few of us stayed around the park to take in the day for all its worth. It was a glorious day outside. Mike and Mel dropped by Vero’s pad to check it out before heading out around supper.

After picking up some chicken and beer, I took a well needed nap for an hour and then woke up and watched the last hour of Terry – a film about Terry Fox. It was an amazing movie, although I want to see it in all its glory someday. I wonder if its available for rent? The story touched me, and what touched me more was the fact that the Terry Fox run is held in over 50 countries.

Fifty countries! That’s incredible! This is one man from Canada who spearheaded this event across the world! It’s conceivable that if we went travelling and mentioned we were from Canada, someone might say “Oh, that’s where Terry Fox is from!”.

Benoit, Cinthia and Trish showed up for some drinks and then we headed down to the Heart and Crown around 11. There was no lineup which was amazing. Although, the bar soon fell victim to the hype and the bouncers started a lineup with no reason whatsoever as the bar was dead inside. Boo, hiss!

We had an excellent spot where we could all sit and enjoy some music. All in all, an enjoyable night, but it rated a 7 on the Heart & Crown scale, a 10 having a rocking band in the back. They just didn’t do it for me this night so we hung around the front. Sam ended up on stage doing the ‘green alligator, long necked geese’ song which was a valiant effort.

Vero sends her thanks to all that attended. Everyone had a great time!


Shout Out To Holly’s Mom!

Word on the street is that Holly’s Mom thinks I should be a novelist from the stuff I write on this blog.

However, one could only imagine how my blog entries are being dictated to her over the phone by Holly…so I hope Holly sends her mom the website address so that she can have a laugh or two of her own while reading this dedication to her!

Concert Reviews

Review: The Who @ Scotiabank Place

Setlist: I Can’t Explain, The Seeker, Anyway Anyhow Anywhere, Fragments, Who Are You, Behind Blue Eyes, Real Good Looking Boy, Sound Round, Pick Up The Peace, Endless Wire, We Got A Hit, They Made My Dream Come True, Mirror Door, Baba O’Riley, Eminence Front, Black Widow Eyes, You Better You Bet, My Generation, Won’t Get Fooled Again, Pinball Wizard, Amazing Journey, Sparks, See Me Feel Me, Tea And Theater

Hitting up the Scotiabank Place this time around was a lot easier then the time Joelle and I drove out to see U2. Leaving at 6:30 from Orleans is MUCH easier than at 4:30 from downtown.

Went inside and searched around for Joe who was actually outside. Hit up Marshies for a beer or two to wait for the opening band to end. Rumour on the street is that a beatboxer was the opening act. Bewildered we said no to that and waited it out. Then around 8:45 we split the crew up as Marc-Andre and Sam had seats down in the 100 Level whereas we had seats up in the 300 Level. Vero, Mike, Joe and I took our seats which were nice because we were right on the edge of the world (aka along the ramp) so we didn’t have anyone in front of us.

The stage was very minimalist, other than the gigantic screens that are the norm at any rock show these days. I find myself torn between watching the giant tv screens to see some closeup shots of the band, or to squint my eyes to see some figures on a stage dance around. I figure if I’m paying good money to see this band live, why would I just watch a screen all night long? That’s what a DVD is for.

Let’s back to the concert…first song started off and Pete and Roger were in fine form – windmill guitar and mics going all over the place. Very impressed. I don’t even think I could windmill my arm and hit my guitar strings so we all hail Pete Townshend.

I can’t comment too much on the actual songs as I have not been exposed to enough Who. I spent the summer listening to some tunes off and on, but I failed to download the actual hit singles, and just got their albums.

Here’s a history lesson for you young ones out there. Back in the day, hit singles appeared on a 45, not on the actual album, as singles do nowadays. This always throws me for a loop and I forget about it. So if you’re into an old band, it’s probably in your best interest to pick up a Greatest Hits album because their albums don’t really contain many hits.

So, all in all, the show rocked. It wasn’t bleeding ear rock as I had heard The Who is famous for (I also heard that they brought down the Great Garbage Wall in Springfield, but Mike thinks that was Spinal Tap.), but I enjoyed their tunes, along with their new tunes that they were trying out. Everyone had a great time and I give the show two thumbs up.

I take away half of thumb now for the lamest floor crowd in the world. I’m not pointing out anyone in particular but the OLDER generation who pays $265 per seat can’t rock out anymore. I think an ideal concert should be general admission on the floor, no seats, so then the rockers can rock out and create an atmosphere. Then you can start charging the crazy prices once you get into the seated areas. This would create a rock dynamic where the band can feed off of the frenzy standing right in front of them instead of squinting and realizing that the 300 Level was rocking more than those fogeys on the floor.


Happy Birthday Vero!



Last night after a grueling class with our first meeting of the minds in our group (I hate the awkwardness of meeting a group for the first time. We were all just standing there like we were on some first date), I left class at 9:45 and headed to the bus stop.

Waiting there for 15 minutes I pondered how the bus service can suck so much late at night and woe was me as I was kind of in a rush to get back home to see Mike’s parents off.

Anyhow, an 85 pulls up and I’m thinking “By this point of waiting for the 95, when it pulls up it will be packed to the gills and probably pass me by so I should just hop on the 85, ride to St.Laurent then wait for the 95 there since St.Laurent is usually a drop off point for a lot of passengers.”

So I get on the 85 and after two stops it veers southward instead of heading east young man! WHAT? Ah man, did I screw up the bus number? I ring the bell and get off. At this point I’m wondering if this is a sign of some sorts that I should stay in the downtown core tonight with Vero. I brush it off and say “Nah, I gotta get home. Haven’t been there since Tuesday.”

As I’m walking back to the last stop where I can catch the 95, I arrive and see not one, not two, but THREE 95 series busses pass me by! Incroyable! As I stood there bewildered at my rotten luck, I realized that I should pay attention to these signs and realize that it’s pointless to head home. It’s already 10:30 and I just spent 45 minutes waiting for buses and I’m still 20KM outside of Orleans.

This was it. This was the definite sign to hoof it back to Ottawa U campus. But the question is – why?

At first I thought it was to find Vero outside of the Residence with all her friends and there was a BBQ going on. Did the heavens bring me back to campus for a hamburger and to see my lovely girlfriend? Not sure…doesn’t seem earth-shattering to me.

Was it to demonstrate my dancing move entitled “THE BOWLER” to Brad in which I skinned my elbow on the pavement? Not sure…probably not. I can skin my elbow anywhere else.

After retiring to Vero’s pad I was pondering this situation with Vero in which she was pretty miffed that the reason that I came back was to see her! 😉

But then it happened. The heavens shone their uv light down on the television set as I hit Channel 50.

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein.

OH MY GOD! There it was in all its badly edited, horrible acting glory. Vero was thinking “What the heck is this show?” while I was saying “Please let the Disco Wolfman make an appearance…YES, there he is!”

We watched it for 15 minutes and decided to go to bed as it was already 11:30.

My night was complete after witnessing Frightenstein. I can’t wait to get our cable package to watch the entire series.


Stop Idolizing

As you all must know, Montreal was victim to some moron going in to a college and firing on innocents.

I’m not even going to begin to go into how these people are morons…but I want to talk about the media for a minute.

I hate how all we see today is pictures of the killer with his firearms. Yes, because THIS is what I want to see. A killer being idolized.

I can’t recall the specific details, but I’m pretty sure that when JFK was killed, the cover of TIME had his (supposed) killer on the front of it, not JFK.

Why are we intrigued by the killers and not the victims? Where’s the picture of the poor girl who lost her life yesterday? Granted, maybe that’s not the best route either…maybe the family doesn’t wish for their child’s face to be plastered over the media after she has been killed.

But at the very least, stop freakin’ publishing pictures of the killer flaunting his firearms like they’re his pride and joy. It’s an insult to everyone involved, and I also feel insulted that I have to see these pictures everytime I’m trying to get an update on the story.

Personally, it makes me sick to the stomach everytime I see a picture of this guy. Perhaps the media should forget about the killers and focus on the tragedy.

Ten bucks says someone out there can name me the individuals responsible for the Columbine Massacre but can’t name me one person who died innocently.