
Secret Genius?

I just read an article with Steve Jobs (of Apple Corp fame) denouncing the Microsoft Zune and its great ability to pass a song over to someone and allow it to be played three times.

While I have commented on this, I have now started to realize that Microsoft may either be a secret (or inadvertent) genius.

Think about it…let’s take the Microsoft Xbox. EVERYONE and their dog knows that you can modify this by cracking it open, adding a chip and voila, done. But what do people need to do with it before all of that?

Purchase it. Purchase an honest to goodness Xbox. Not someone’s copy of an Xbox. You have to go out and buy one off the shelf and then lining Microsoft’s pockets with cash.

Granted, they lose money on their game sales, but heck, they’re still making money on the hardware sold.

Now, if we think about this Microsoft Zune player…how long can we anticipate that someone will hack into it so that we can share songs with EVERYONE, with no play limit at all? It will be genius! Everyone will want a hacked Zune player. People have already hacked their iPod but withiout WIFI, there isn’t much you can do in terms of sharing songs easily.

I tip my hat to you Msoft. Clearly, you are not the buffoon I thought you were. However, if you don’t know yourself, then I suppose you’re just the inadvertent genius.


Review: Speed

This movie is the cats meow, loaded with special effects, killer action and a great cast!

Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock star in this high octane action movie trying to thwart the menacing meanderings of one Dennis Hopper (a fan, I am).

So get this. Dennis Hopper is some maniac wanting some money so he bombs an elevator shaft hoping to hold them hostage. But then Keanu comes in and saves the day and it’s awesome goodness because Keanu is the man and all is good in the world as he saves the hostages. But then he’s trying to save his partner (Jeff Daniels!!!) who is being held hostage by Dennis Hopper but then Keanu shoots him (right in the leg!!!), like WHOA DUDE, chill out! But it stems back to the awesome ‘Pop Quiz’ line in the movie where Keanu said he would shoot the hostage if need be in a situation to ‘take them out of the equation’.

Anyhow Dennis Hopper manages to escape, blow up a bus with some friend of Keanu’s on it and then says that there’s a bomb on some other bus in the city which…get this…this will BLOW YOUR MIND…

It will blow up if the bus falls below the speed of 50 miles an hour.

HOLY MOLEY! WHAT A CONCEPT! Unbelievable! For a Canadian like myself, I couldn’t even do the conversions in my head…it must be close to 300 km/hr or something like that! I couldn’t fathom how it would feel to be on this bus full of people all freaking out. But there is Keanu, keeping his cool (until one part where he freaks out and it’s definitely Oscar worthy.)

Anyhow, I couldn’t believe the bus made the jump across the freeway gap which was 50 feet across! I fainted after that point because I was jumping up and down wondering what would happen.

All in all, 2 thumbs up for this great action movie. What a gem, and I hope that everyone gets to see this great movie. Sandra Bullock wasn’t too bad in it either, although all she did was drive the bus. But she was cute, in a sort of a Sandra Bullock way.

If you’re a fan of good movies, you have to watch this when it comes out on DVD!