
Racing Round The Track

Today’s Lesson: If your heart desires something that requires a lot of money, don’t hold yourself back, buy it!

I’ve had a vibration in my front right tire for quite awhile now and so I dropped it off to the dealer…six weeks ago? They said it was due to rust build up or something to that effect. Very strange. A few weeks later the vibration came back, and it was worse.

At the same time, Dad was mentioning how I should get my tires checked to see if I need a new set since the winter was coming up. I figure buying a set of new all-seasons will do me good in the winter months instead of buying a set of winter tires. Too all those reading this entry and who are gung ho on the winter tires, bravo. I applaud you. But they aren’t for me.

Upon seeing the first snowfall of the year, I decide to drop the car off at Canadian Tire instead of the dealer in case they can find something else wrong with the vibration, and at the same time, check out the wear on my tires. After hoofing it home, I get a call an hour later saying one tire is bald, and the three others are pretty well done also. Also, they said that the bald tire was the reason of the vibrations.

Well. This all made sense in my head but I was a little wary of the bald tire causing the vibration (because the bald tire was on the opposite side). Regardless, I order four new all-seasons and pick up the car a few hours later.

Did it do the trick? For sure! No vibration. There may be a small one, but I’m not sure yet as it may just be the feel of the new tires on the vehicle. Must run it around the block a few times to find out if I’m imagining things or not.

Either way, the following observations were made:
– One would think that the dealer would have checked the wear on the tires and noticed they were pretty well gone.
– $564 later, I realize that there’s some cash that could have been used towards something fun in my life. 😉 Alas, the car is my fun. It gets me around places. But don’t hold yourselves back! Spend the money if you have it. This reminds me of the time where we were driving to Montreal and as soon as I cross the Ontario/Quebec border, cops come out of nowhere and flag me down to pull over. Ah crap. It was this giant speed trap where six cars pulled over. I knew I was busted so I waited there patiently. However, all the cops went to all the other cars lined up! I waited a few minutes and figured they must have flagged down the car next to me and not my own! I slowly pulled out (in case I was wrong and the cops were just taking their time getting to me) but no one motioned to me so I took off like a bat out of hell. That day, I bought a few clothing items, because in my eyes, I just won my own money back. Instead of a $150 speeding ticket, I had that in my pocket now for me to enjoy. Yeeha!
– Did you know ING Direct puts a limits on how many virtual bank accounts you may open? Doh! I loved the ability to just open a new account and fill it for random things I need in life – driver’s plates, swimming pass, bearskin rugs…I am on this saving kick where if I know there will be something in the upcoming year (let’s say…your property taxes!), then I just figure out how much it is per week and set up an Automatic Withdrawal system. It is working out supremely at this moment because I don’t get a nasty surprise around my birthday (“Hey guess what! You owe us $100 for your license plates! Happy Birthday!”). Anyhow, I was about to start one for saving up for my next set of tires, but alas, it does not allow me to do so. 🙁

iplaying: Bullet with Butterfly Wings [Live in Barrie 2000] – Smashing Pumpkins