
Archie, you thief.

Don’t ask me how I came up with this revelation this morning, but I did.

I remember Philipp asking me about ‘dating’ in the North American context. What is dating? What is going out? What is being with a person? I’m sure we’ll go more in depth on this issue in his biography (as it is a fascinating subject), but I think I realized where my first introduction to dating stemmed from.

Archie comics!

It always confused me how Archie would be either with Betty or Veronica. It took me many years to realize that if you go out on a date with a person, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t go date other people. That always threw me for a loop. “Archie, how the heck can you be with Veronica if you’re with Betty?”

Ha ha, that is the most random thought I’ve had in awhile but I just wanted to point out that everything we all know about dating stems from actions of others…namely Archie and the gang (well, at least in my case.)

iplaying: I Want You (She’s So Heavy) – The Beatles (Abbey Road)


Good Evening Ladies and Germs

Group presentation went well last night. It started off really boring with my part. Essentially the Professor assigned us to present a reading that everyone had already done some work on, so it was just a rehash of information they already knew. BORING. So 15 minutes later after my mouth was parched I stepped away and let the rest of the team handle things.

Until the other girl thought her part was over and left three slides to talk about! I had to cut in fast and just read off the slides. Woops!

All in all, it went over well. We had a lot of class discussion which is awesome. The worst is when the classroom discussion results in nothing and everyone is just sitting there staring.

So now, the only thing left to do in that course is to write a biography on my comrade, Philipp. That’s right, yours truly is going to write about our friend and we’ll see how it comes out. In my eyes, I would like to do him justice, but I also know that a lot of it will be based on the methods I used for the bio and whatnot. So, it may be fairly boring in some parts once I get into the details of how I interviewed the subject.

I realized late in the game that it’s a long weekend for me. I do have a midterm to study for, but I think this weekend will be spent more on relaxing and winding down. There’s some things I’ve been working hard on at work that are ending soon, and now the group presentation is done so there’s nothing much else to do other than play guitar and sleep! Speaking about guitar, Troy has been diligent in my musical theory teachings and I am opening up doors to knowledge that I had always wondered about, but now it’s there right in front of me. I am hoping that it will make me a better guitar player in the end, and a better songwriter. That’s my goal for this winter…write a few good songs. AND finish off the songs that I’ve written in the past. I just read a quote from John Lennon who told George Harrison that the best way to write a song is to write it completely while you’re in the moment, or else you’ve lost the moment and you may lose the song. I will have to remember that.

I’ve also realized that I find my blog entries have been revolving around thoughts in my head, whereas a portion of the original idea was to have a document of what I am doing day to day so I can go back and look upon it and say “Oh yeah, I remember doing that group presentation!” so I’m going to try and keep that in mind.

***Note to fellow bloggers. I just figured out why sometimes pictures don’t upload correctly. If you have a picture that has a space in its title (like george orwell.jpg) then you have to get rid of the space or it doesn’t parse well into the system.***