Philipp, Carrie and I will be at the Heart and Crown on Friday night. Join us!
Month: November 2006
White Poppies..>Bah.
Who’s brilliant idea was it to have a white poppy? Read the news people, it’s all around us. White poppies to promote peace, only around Remembrance Day!
Inform yourselves before reading on:
Jonathan Bartley, director of the religious think-tank Ekklesia says
“The red poppy represents the glorious dead,” he said. “The white poppy says that war isn’t glorious and you shouldn’t look back and see it through rose-tinted glasses.”
You know what? I’m not going to rant about symbols of peace. Hey, I’m all for peace.
What I am disturbed about is the blatant use of Remembrance Day as a launchpad for the Peace Pledge Union who is responsible for the white poppies. Strike One.
Using an already recognized symbol but just changing the colour? Strike Two.
Shoving it back in our faces and saying that we should be promoting peace, not remembering the dead? Strike Three.
Mr. Clark of the Legion couldn’t have said it better (from this Globe and Mail article):
“Instead, said the Legion’s Mr. Clark, peace activists should focus their efforts on Sept. 21, which is the UN-sanctioned International Day of Peace. But even then, he added, white poppies would infringe on the Legion’s trademark. He suggested they use a different symbol such as a dove.
“Nov. 11 is the day that we honour our veterans. We need to make sure that that does not get confused, combined or anything else with another campaign,” he said.”
Excellent points Mr. Clark. I stand behind your thought process. While they’re at it, why don’t they use the peace symbol attached the dove?
Remember, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for peace. But what this is just plain disrespectful.
Howl at the City
Sometimes you cannot pass up a purchase. Like last night, I got a newsletter from the Sam Roberts Band and they were talking about the last Chemical City t-shirt released. Now, throughout the tour, I was disappointed with the various t-shirts offered. I rarely buy t-shirts anymore (price gouging of course), so it has to be really special for me to pick it up.
Well, something special came along. A wolf t-shirt! Coolness! At least, I think it’s cool and that’s what counts. There was also a 7″ limited edition vinyl of Brother Down that I couldn’t pass up. You never know, these things could be worth something someday.
Too bad the prices were in US dollars. I wonder what problems the band were encountering with MapleMusic to stop offering new items via the Canadian store?
Dang it, Christmas is coming fast.

In lieu of the upcoming event, I want to ask those who attended last year (or those who plan to attend this year) to leave some comments about what should be improved upon.
For example, SOMEONE thought my appetizers were burnt last year. Clearly they were not as I popped a few into my mouth. Alright, they were, fine. Be that way.
I’m going to list a few things that I think should be improved upon, and you can add a few of your own and expand.
Don’t get me wrong, I thought the party was awesome. But I do know that you should always try to improve a classic party.
Appetizers – Well, they were alright, but some of them also burnt. So, should I get better appetizers this year and make sure they aren’t burnt? What about the proximity to appetizers, were they hard to get to? Should I have a table in the corner and people can fill up a plate (I enjoyed this from Jen’s housewarming party).
Seating – Well, we all know there isn’t that much place to sit at Casa Losier/Palmer, but is that a big deal? Do people want to sit down? I would think this is a 50/50 scenario. People love the kitchen, but they also like to chill out. Should we get a few more chairs? How about the table? A few extra leaves in the table so people can sit down?
Games – As much as I didn’t like the idea of games last year, they actually turned out to be good times. I thoroughly enjoy the males vs. females trivia challenge and I think we should have an encore presentation of that. But should we have others? Should we have a euchre tourney down in the basement or is that just pushing it?
Gift Exchange – I think the gift exchange went over well with the ‘steal a gift’ routine so I think we’ll keep that unless everyone has any major objections.
Any other thoughts?
Max Headroom
You know you’ve hit the big leagues when you get the notice of yours truly from one of your comments on my site. BRB is probably dancing around praising the heavens that I finally acknowledge him. That guy has some wacko ideas and even worse, lives by them. While I don’t knack his photography, I do knock his fashion sense.
All joking aside, BRB is the man for bringing up this piece of 80s goodness – Max Headroom. Max Headroom (as seen in this picture) is from a TV show in 1987 (but started in the UK in 1985…whoa!) which revolved around…man, I don’t remember. All I know is that he was a rep for Coca-Cola.
In all honesty, I can remember watching this show, but cannot remember what the show was about. I was fairly young when it came out so higher level concepts probably alluded. By the way, if someone even thinks of making a crack about how higher level concepts probably allude me to this day, consider yourself on the blacklist.
I just remember thinking it was sooo coool to be a character inside a computer. Heck, I probably didn’t even have a computer at that time so I thought that a computer could do this. Little did I know that the only things that I would see on a computer were the following:
Wow. That’s great. What the heck can I do with that?
Anyhow, I would like people to share their memoirs of Max Headroom in the comments section. Let’s relive the moment where AI almost took over the world! Wait…is Max Headroom the precursor to the Matrix? I can envision a hilarious spoof right now.
Racing Round The Track
Today’s Lesson: If your heart desires something that requires a lot of money, don’t hold yourself back, buy it!
I’ve had a vibration in my front right tire for quite awhile now and so I dropped it off to the dealer…six weeks ago? They said it was due to rust build up or something to that effect. Very strange. A few weeks later the vibration came back, and it was worse.
At the same time, Dad was mentioning how I should get my tires checked to see if I need a new set since the winter was coming up. I figure buying a set of new all-seasons will do me good in the winter months instead of buying a set of winter tires. Too all those reading this entry and who are gung ho on the winter tires, bravo. I applaud you. But they aren’t for me.
Upon seeing the first snowfall of the year, I decide to drop the car off at Canadian Tire instead of the dealer in case they can find something else wrong with the vibration, and at the same time, check out the wear on my tires. After hoofing it home, I get a call an hour later saying one tire is bald, and the three others are pretty well done also. Also, they said that the bald tire was the reason of the vibrations.
Well. This all made sense in my head but I was a little wary of the bald tire causing the vibration (because the bald tire was on the opposite side). Regardless, I order four new all-seasons and pick up the car a few hours later.
Did it do the trick? For sure! No vibration. There may be a small one, but I’m not sure yet as it may just be the feel of the new tires on the vehicle. Must run it around the block a few times to find out if I’m imagining things or not.
Either way, the following observations were made:
– One would think that the dealer would have checked the wear on the tires and noticed they were pretty well gone.
– $564 later, I realize that there’s some cash that could have been used towards something fun in my life. Alas, the car is my fun. It gets me around places. But don’t hold yourselves back! Spend the money if you have it. This reminds me of the time where we were driving to Montreal and as soon as I cross the Ontario/Quebec border, cops come out of nowhere and flag me down to pull over. Ah crap. It was this giant speed trap where six cars pulled over. I knew I was busted so I waited there patiently. However, all the cops went to all the other cars lined up! I waited a few minutes and figured they must have flagged down the car next to me and not my own! I slowly pulled out (in case I was wrong and the cops were just taking their time getting to me) but no one motioned to me so I took off like a bat out of hell. That day, I bought a few clothing items, because in my eyes, I just won my own money back. Instead of a $150 speeding ticket, I had that in my pocket now for me to enjoy. Yeeha!
– Did you know ING Direct puts a limits on how many virtual bank accounts you may open? Doh! I loved the ability to just open a new account and fill it for random things I need in life – driver’s plates, swimming pass, bearskin rugs…I am on this saving kick where if I know there will be something in the upcoming year (let’s say…your property taxes!), then I just figure out how much it is per week and set up an Automatic Withdrawal system. It is working out supremely at this moment because I don’t get a nasty surprise around my birthday (“Hey guess what! You owe us $100 for your license plates! Happy Birthday!”). Anyhow, I was about to start one for saving up for my next set of tires, but alas, it does not allow me to do so.
iplaying: Bullet with Butterfly Wings [Live in Barrie 2000] – Smashing Pumpkins
Review: Royal Naval Association
This lunch hour brought me to, what I may affectionately now call, my favourite spot on Earth. The Royal Naval Association is a hidden gem down the hill on the bridge between Ottawa and Hull. Krista and Sara introduced me to this amazing spot. Let’s just say I got some fish & chips, a beer, entered a 50/50 draw, left a tip – all for $10. I am impressed.
I’m an easy guy to please. The best way to please me is simplicity. I loved the ambiance of this joint. Walking in to a bar full of old codgers having a good laugh on a Friday afternoon…walls strewn with Naval accessories. I even shared a Navy story of my uncle’s with my table which they enjoyed.
All in all, I doubt this will be the last time I end up at this place. You know what I really enjoyed though? You paid up front and then left the place when you pleased. No need to wait for the bill. Beauty. It’s like…fast food service, but restaurant level fare. Mmm boy.
Rant du Hallowe’en
I have heard from various people that they did not hand out candy this year to the little ones. Let’s list a few valid reasons for choosing not to do so:
- You have a kid that you have to bring around the block. Totally understandable. You can’t be in two places at once. They need protection, plus you have to swindle a few extra treats out of the Scrooges.
- Your dog has just died. Totally understandable.
- You live in an apartment building. Totally understandable. It’s not like you’re going to camp out in the lobby and give out candy to the kids. But if you choose to do that, bravo! You’re a star!
- You’re living day-to-day on funds. Totally understandable.
- Your religion forbids it. Totally understandable. Don’t even try to pawn off one of those ‘personal religions’ in your defense.
Now for those of you rotten no-good adults who have chosen not to give out candy because:
- You didn’t want to be bothered.
- You feel there’s enough houses on the block that you don’t need to be one. The kids will get their own candy.
- You’re cheap.
- Some other lame reason that I haven’t thought about here.
Here’s my message to you Scrooges. Yeah, I know, Palmer shouldn’t have an opinion and he should remain politically correct. Well not today.
If you choose to not give out candy, you should be ashamed. We ALL know that we have all enjoyed a good Trick-or-treating event when we were younger (unless religion prevented it…are there any that boycott Hallowe’en? Perhaps the Jehovah’s Witnesses.) and that you should pay your dues. It’s your duty as an adult who lives in their own domain. Now, for those who still live with their parents, heck, let your parents hand out the candy. It ain’t your house.
Honestly, you are the lowest of the low, the scum of the Earth for not handing out candy. I think that if you decide not to hand out candy just because you can’t be bothered, then your children should pay the price and when every other kid on the block is getting some candy, you will have to explain to your kids that they cannot because you are a Scrooge. Or, at least, you were a Scrooge ONCE in your life because after you read Palmer’s Rant you realized that you will never make this mistake again and will hand out candy. In that case, everyone can make a mistake ONCE, and their children shouldn’t have to pay for your crimes. But if you so much as do this mistake TWICE, your child is getting worms to chew on at Hallowe’en.
This goes out to those who decided not to give out candy for lame-ass reasons. I know you’re out there because you’ve told me in person. I hope the look on my face at the time haunts you.
If any of you has a lame-ass reason that wasn’t listed here and you wish to ask me if it’s a good enough reason not to hand out candy, please feel free to send it to me and I will be judge as to whether or not you should be shamed or not.
Kids With No Costumes – 8 PM rolls around and the kids aren’t coming as frequent. Then the doorbell rings and there are seven teenage boys with shopping bags asking for candy. No costumes! What’s the protocol on this? Do I give them candy? Let me tell you, with seven teenage boys at my door, I sure as hell was going to give them candy or fear the aftermath of what would happen to my car’s tires. There was even one guy with no bag! I made a comment and he asked if I had a bag that I could spare. I politely declined and whispered “Moron”.
Buying Candy – It’s pretty hard to find Reese Peanut Butter Cups at 5:30 on the night of Hallowe’en. But I managed to find some at Zellers. However, it was $10 for a bag of 90! I picked up two bags with the notion that I would return the other bag. This is a smart thing to do people! It’s like the keg party you’re at that has a spare in the back room JUST IN CASE. Just don’t let some thirsty partier crack the last keg before the others are finished, or you’re stuck there all weekend drinking it – or in this case, eating Reese Peanut Butter Cups. Anyhow, keep your receipt to avoid these hangups. For mental note’s sake for next year when I’m reading this entry, I didn’t get through a bag of 90 Reese Peanut Butter Cups. I probably used 70, along with Mike’s Rockets.
Peanut Allergies – The big thing nowadays is not to give candy with peanuts in it in case of allergies. Well, some may question my purchase of the Peanut Butter Cups but the way I see it is that it’s clearly labeled so if a kid can’t eat it, at least he has all that other peanut free candy that they got from the neighbourhood. We received some great compliments on the choice of the Peanut Butter Cups. Plus, if we get stuck with candy afterwards, it’s easy to swallow 20 of those in a day. Ugh.
Throwing Eggs – Let the following life fact echo in everyone’s head and stay there for eternity. “If thou thinkest an egg thrown at your buddy’s house is funny, you must also be prepared to find it funny when he retaliateth by dumping the leaves from his yard in front of your door.”
Ringing the Bell – Ah ha, I bet you thought I was talking about the kids at Hallowe’en ringing the bell? Nope. This is about ringing the bell on the public bus. Now, I consider myself a seasoned rider of the public transit system so I will give this person the benefit of the doubt. Anyhow, as I sat on the bus this morning, the lady next to me asks if I may reach up and ring the bell so that the bus driver knows to stop at the next stop. Well, the next stop is the building I work at…and where 90% of the bus unloads in the morning. Being a seasoned rider, I realize this is pointless as we all know that in the morning, the driver KNOWS to make the stop there. It’s just a given. It would be different if it’s an odd stop along the way. So here is my list of ‘When There is No Need to Ring the Bell.”:
- When you are getting to the end of the line. The driver knows enough to stop there.
- You don’t have to ring the bell if there is a major stop coming up. Granted, you would have to know this beforehand after many trips on the bus. A fine example is the mall. Someone is 99% guaranteed to get on or off at this stop. So there is no need to ring the bell.
- There is no third option.
So there you have it. Palmer’s Thoughts for the past 24 hours. Oh, plus I love cable for the sole fact that I can watch the Rick Mercer Report. That guy is freakin’ hilarious.