
Dancing The Night Away

Ah, Christmas. The day of goodness which comes in the form of a wrapped box. Christmas Day was fun with Nanny around as I used her as a wrapping paper disposal unit by throwing wrapping paper at her all morning long. I also entertained in a rendition of how and old guy would dance with her (as seen above). I got a good spread of items including a great selection of clothing items from Mom and Nanny’s pickings. It’s always good to see that people enjoy the gifts I got them. However, Dad just told me last night that the Band of Brothers set that I bought him was already lent to him and he had seen it already. However, he assures me that he doesn’t remember a thing. Sometimes loss of memory has its advantages! 😉

The day passed by at a crawl and I awaited the goodness which was the heavenly bird from above. No, we aren’t talking about an ostrich here, we’re talking about the turkey dinner. Mmm boy. It was an excellent spread this year and the Konopelky’s brought over another bird which was a gift over the next week as I picked at the leftovers. It was a fine meal and we ended the meal with a little viewing of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – this movie never gets old for me. By far my favourite Christmas movie of all time.

After the movie, we started playing Maureen’s copy of Scene It where we pitted the guys vs. the girls. Without a doubt, the gentlemen won both games and we will not hear any complaints of how the guys team ended up recruiting three additional members during the course of the night. We allowed the girls to borrow Kevin “Martha” Stewart for awhile. Scene It is a pretty fun game and I think I would like to try the other editions. I ended off the night heading over to Jeff’s parents place with Kevin, Maureen and John for a little karaoke action. It was unfortunate that there really wasn’t much selection in terms of the songs we could sing. Jeff and I belted out a tear-jerking rendition of Unchained Melody.