
Crashes with Boxes

Originally uploaded by palm0014.

I believe I went to lunch with Dana and Mike on this day over at Greco’s and had some excellent pizza. Ended up seeing Aimee there which was a welcome surprise. I don’t tend to visit some of my old friends from Kap who still live there when I arrive home for the holidays. Years ago, that was the only thing I wished to do. Now, all I want to do is hang out in my parents house and decompress from the year.

Boxing Day was a bust in Kapuskasing but not so much online. I truly enjoy the fact that I can order items online nowadays and not have to be in a physical store. I ended up ordering all four collector’s sets of James Bond movies at $46 a pop from Best Buy. This was a definite savings over the regular $70 price tag I saw before Christmas. I figured I couldn’t pass it up. So…there may be a resurection of Nights of Bond coming soon.

The rest of Boxing Day was spent with Vero who came back up from Hearst for the night which was nice of her. She also stayed in town for the Legion night which was a great inspiration. Thanks Vero! We ended up exchanging our gifts which scored me a great original painting by her, and some other goodies such as a voice recorder so I can document my thoughts/song ideas. 2007 is the year of song for Ryan. We ended up playing some Scene It but alas, there was only Dad and I against an army of women so we lost that night.

Around 11:30PM that night, we got a phone call which was odd. It was Vero’s dad and I automatically thought something awful must have happened. After she talked with him, she told me that he had hit my car and she never noticed when it was in Hearst (Vero had borrowed my car). Realizing that a car is definitely better than a death in the family, I decided that the dent would still be there in the morning and I would take a look then.